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Gravity data were collected from 2006 through 2015 to assist in mapping subsurface geology in the southern San Luis Basin, northern New Mexico. This data release provides principal facts for 566 new gravity stations that were acquired to fill in gaps in the existing public gravity data coverage.
This dataset includes gravity observations collected on the Coconino Plateau, Arizona, from 2015 to 2019 and reductions that were used to arrive at the gravity residual reported in the associated publication (Wildermuth, 2022). Relative-gravity surveys were carried out using a ZLS Burris relative-gravity meter. Absolute gravity values were taken from the closest NGS stations and relative-gravity differences were combined with nearby absolute gravity values using a least-squared network adjustment, as implemented in the software Gravnet (Hwang, C., Wang, C., Lee, L., 2002. Adjustment of relative gravity measurements using weighted and datum-free constraints. Comput. Geosci. 28, 1005–1015). Additional information...
This dataset contains absolute-gravity measurements made using an A-10 absolute gravity meter (Micro-g Lacoste, Inc.) in 2019 in Pinal County, Arizona. Measurements were made at a total of 19 different stations used by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to monitor aquifer-storage changes. Data are presented in tabular and spatial vector (point) form, including relevant parameters used for processing. Data were output by g software (Micro-g Lacoste, Inc.) version A correction for laser-frequency drift was applied, based on regular calibration of the HeNe laser used in the A-10 against an iodine-stabilized laser.
These data represent the network-adjusted results of relative- and absolute-gravity surveys. Relative-gravity surveys were carried out using two ZLS Corporation Burris relative-gravity meters. The effect of solid Earth tides and ocean loading were removed from the data. Instrument drift was removed by evaluating gravity change during repeated measurements at one or more base stations. Absolute-gravity surveys were carried out using a Micro-g LaCoste, Inc. A-10 absolute-gravity meter. Vertical gradients between the different measuring heights of the absolute- and relative-gravity meters were measured using a relative-gravity meter and fully-adjustable tripod, and used to correlate the measurements between the two...
This dataset represents the network-adjusted results of relative- and absolute-gravity surveys. Relative-gravity surveys were carried out using a ZLS Coporation Burris relative-gravity meter. The effect of solid Earth tides and ocean loading were removed from the data. Instrument drift was removed by evaluating gravity change during repeated measurements at one or more base stations, or between absolute-gravity stations. Absolute-gravity surveys were carried out using a Micro-g LaCoste, Inc. A-10 absolute-gravity meter. The vertical gravity gradient was assumed to be -3 microGal/cm at each absolute-gravity site. Relative-gravity differences and absolute-gravity data were combined using a least-squares network adjustment,...
Gravity data were collected from 2016 through 2018 to assist in mapping subsurface geology in northeastern Iowa. This data release provides principal facts for 1080 new gravity stations that were acquired to supplement existing public gravity data coverage. References cited: Blakely, R.J., 1995, Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications, Cambridge University Press, 441 p. International Association of Geodesy, 1971, Geodetic reference system 1967: International Association of Geodesy Special Publication No. 3, 116 p. Morelli, C., ed., 1974, the International gravity standardization net 1971: International Association of Geodesy Special Publication no.4, 194 p. Plouff, Donald, 1977, Preliminary documentation...
Surface electrical resistivity tomography, magnetic, and gravity surveys were conducted in July 2017 in the greater East River Watershed near Crested Butte Colorado with a focused effort in Redwell Basin as part of a broader study of the role of bedrock groundwater in the hydrogeology of mineralized mountain watersheds. Approximately ten kilometers of total field magnetics data were acquired on July 29, 2017 with a Geometrics G-858 cesium vapor magnetometer that detects changes in deep (tens of meters to kilometers) geologic structure based on variations in the magnetic properties of different formations. This data release includes the raw and processed magnetics data. They are provided as digital data, and data...
This dataset represents the network-adjusted results of relative- and absolute-gravity surveys. Relative-gravity surveys were carried out using a Zero Length Spring, Inc. Burris relative-gravity meter. The effect of solid Earth tides and ocean loading were removed from the data. Instrument drift was removed by evaluating gravity change during repeated measurements at one or more base stations. Absolute-gravity surveys were carried out using a Micro-g LaCoste, Inc. A-10 absolute-gravity meter. Vertical gradients between the different measuring heights of the absolute- and relative-gravity meters were measured using a relative-gravity meter and tripod, and used to correlate the measurements between the two instruments....
Gravity data were collected during three separate campaigns during July of 2013, August and September of 2014, and September and October of 2020 at 168 sites on and around the Stillwater layered mafic complex in southern Montana. Measurements were taken with Lacoste & Romberg G-64, G-550, and G-161 gravimeters and reduced to obtain the complete Bouguer anomaly, with reference ties to absolute base stations at U.S. Post Offices in Spokane, Washington (2014), Billings (2013-2014) and Livingston (2020), Montana. This data release includes principal facts for 168 new gravity stations and shapefiles with field locations.
This dataset represents the network-adjusted results of relative- and absolute-gravity surveys performed from 2020 to 2023 in and near the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Relative surveys were done using a Zero Length Spring, Inc. Burris relative-gravity meter. Absolute-gravity surveys were done using a Micro-g LaCoste, Inc. A-10 absolute-gravity meter. The effect of solid Earth tides and ocean loading were removed from the data prior to network adjustment. Non-linear instrument drift was removed by evaluating gravity change during repeated measurements at one or more base stations. Vertical gradients between the relative- and absolute-gravity meters were measured at each station where both types of measurement were collected...
This dataset contains absolute-gravity measurements made using an A-10 absolute gravity meter (Micro-g Lacoste, Inc.) between 2009 and 2017 in the Big Chino Subbasin, Yavapai County, Arizona. Measurements were made about 3 times per year at a total of 33 different stations. Data are presented in tabular form, including relevant parameters used for processing. Data were output by g software (Micro-g Lacoste, Inc.) version A correction for laser-frequency drift was applied, based on regular calibration of the HeNe laser used in the A-10 against an iodine-stabilized laser. A second soil-moisture correction was applied based on satellite soil-moisture measurements, an infiltration model, and the elevation...
Regional surface elevation grid files (provided in Grid eXchange File format) were used to study crustal architecture beneath the Southern Midcontinent (USA) by McCafferty and others (2019). The study covered a rectangular, multi-state area of 924 by 924 kilometers centered on Missouri, and a corresponding volume extending from the topographic surface to a depth of 50 kilometers below sea level. The grid files (magnetic field observation surface, topographic surface, Precambrian basement surface, and Moho interface) were used to construct templates and initial physical property models for 3D inversions. A masked version of the Precambrian basement surface grid was used to remove inverted densities and magnetic susceptibilities...
These data are microgravity measurements collected at the summit of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Data are collected using multiple instruments, with each file representing measurements from a specific instrument during a specific time period. The data dictionary explains the file format and contents, and the dataset will be updated as new measurements are collected.
New gravity compilation has been compiled for the Lake Superior region. The gravity compilation includes survey stations available from Natural Resources Canada, National Centers for Environmental Information (formerly National Geophysical Data Center), Minnesota Geological Survey, and U.S. Geological Survey. Individual databases were combined and duplicates were removed resulting in a database of 63,880 gravity stations. The gravity station data were reprocessed from observed gravity to simple Bouguer anomaly following standard methods that depend on the station type (for example, land, lake surface, or lake bottom observation) and used a reduction density of 2,670 kg/m3. The compilation provides a consistent dataset...
This dataset contains absolute-gravity measurements made using an A-10 absolute gravity meter (Micro-g Lacoste, Inc.) in 2008, 2009, 2017, 2018, and 2019 in the Hualapai Valley, Mohave County, Arizona. Measurements were made at 9 different stations. Data are presented in tabular form, including relevant parameters used for processing. Data were output by g software (Micro-g Lacoste, Inc.) version A correction for laser-frequency drift was applied to data collected in 2009 and 2017 to account for changes in laser wavelength during these periods. The correction is based on linear interpolation in time between regular calibrations of the HeNe laser used in the A-10 against an iodine-stabilized laser. ...
This dataset represents the network-adjusted results of relative- and absolute-gravity surveys. Relative-gravity surveys were carried out using a Zero Length Spring, Inc. relative-gravity meter. The effect of solid Earth tides and ocean loading were removed from the data. Instrument drift was removed by evaluating gravity change during repeated measurements at one or more base stations. Absolute-gravity surveys were carried out using a Micro-g LaCoste, Inc. A-10 absolute-gravity meter. Vertical gradients between the different measuring heights of the absolute- and relative-gravity meters were measured using a relative-gravity meter and tripod, and used to correlate the measurements between the two instruments. Relative-gravity...
Surface electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), time-domain electromagnetics (TEM), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), magnetics, and gravity data were acquired in 2016, 2017 and 2018 in the greater East River Watershed near Crested Butte Colorado with a focused effort in Redwell Basin. Five ERT profiles were acquired within Redwell Basin and Brush Creek to map geologic structure at depths up to 40 meters, depending on the subsurface resistivity, using the Advanced Geosciences, Inc. SuperSting R8 resistivity meter. Approximately ten kilometers of total field magnetics data were acquired with a Geometrics G-858 cesium vapor magnetometer that detects changes in deep (tens of meters to kilometers) geologic structure...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Brush Creek, Colorado, Crested Butte, East River, Environmental Health, All tags...
This dataset supercedes an earlier data release and includes all previous data in addition to data from 2019. These data represent the network-adjusted results of relative- and absolute-gravity surveys. Relative-gravity surveys were carried out using a Micro-g LaCoste D-series relative-gravity meter. The effect of solid Earth tides and ocean loading were removed from the data. Instrument drift was removed by evaluating gravity change during repeated measurements at one or more base stations. Absolute-gravity surveys were carried out using a Micro-g LaCoste, Inc. A-10 absolute-gravity meter. Vertical gradients between the different measuring heights of the absolute- and relative-gravity meters were measured using...
Surface electrical resistivity tomography, magnetic, and gravity surveys were conducted in July 2017 in the greater East River Watershed near Crested Butte Colorado with a focused effort in Redwell Basin as part of a broader study of the role of bedrock groundwater in the hydrogeology of mineralized mountain watersheds. Ten gravity stations were acquired with a LaCoste and Romberg G-model relative gravimeter to map density variations. This data release includes principal facts for the gravity stations provided as digital data. Data fields are defined in the data dictionary.
The U.S. Geological Survey collected ground gravity data as part of a helicopter reconnaissance campaign of the Democrat Creek alkaline complex and Deer Peak quadrangle in the Wet Mountains, Colorado. A total of 60 measurements were collected using a LaCoste and Romberg gravity meter. High accuracy geographic coordinates and elevations were collected using a survey grade Leica GS16 differential GPS system. These data supplement existing public gravity data to aid in the interpretation of a newly collected, high-resolution airborne magnetic survey (Grauch et al., 2023). Grauch, V.J.S., Anderson, E.D., Brown, P.J., and Allen Langhans, A.D., 2023, Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of the Wet Mountains and surrounding...

map background search result map search result map Principal facts of gravity data in the southern San Luis Basin, northern New Mexico Updated gravity stations and anomaly compilation over Lake Superior Repeat microgravity data from the Big Chino Subbasin, 2001-2017, Yavapai County, Arizona Principal facts of regional gravity data in northeast Iowa Elevation surface grids for the southern midcontinent Repeat microgravity data from Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, Arizona, 2016-2019 Repeat microgravity data from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii Absolute gravity data from Pinal County, Arizona, 2019 Surface electrical resistivity tomography, magnetic, and gravity surveys in Redwell Basin and the greater East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017 Gravity Data Magnetics Data Repeat microgravity data from Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, New Mexico, 2016-2021 (ver. 3.0, March 2023) Repeat microgravity data from Mesilla Valley, New Mexico, 2016-2018 Repeat microgravity data from the Hualapai Valley, Mohave County, Arizona, 2008-2019 Repeat microgravity data from Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, Arizona, 2021 Principal facts of gravity data from the Stillwater Complex, Montana, 2013-2014 and 2020 Data from "Gravity surveys for estimating possible width of enhanced porosity zones across structures on the Coconino Plateau, Coconino County, North-Central Arizona" Gravity data along the Little Colorado River near Leupp, Arizona, 2020-2021 Gravity data in the Wet Mountains area, southcentral Colorado, 2023 Repeat microgravity data from Phoenix, Arizona, 2020-2023 Gravity Data Magnetics Data Surface electrical resistivity tomography, magnetic, and gravity surveys in Redwell Basin and the greater East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017 Repeat microgravity data from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii Repeat microgravity data from Phoenix, Arizona, 2020-2023 Repeat microgravity data from Mesilla Valley, New Mexico, 2016-2018 Data from "Gravity surveys for estimating possible width of enhanced porosity zones across structures on the Coconino Plateau, Coconino County, North-Central Arizona" Repeat microgravity data from Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, New Mexico, 2016-2021 (ver. 3.0, March 2023) Gravity data in the Wet Mountains area, southcentral Colorado, 2023 Repeat microgravity data from the Big Chino Subbasin, 2001-2017, Yavapai County, Arizona Repeat microgravity data from the Hualapai Valley, Mohave County, Arizona, 2008-2019 Repeat microgravity data from Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, Arizona, 2016-2019 Repeat microgravity data from Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, Arizona, 2021 Principal facts of gravity data in the southern San Luis Basin, northern New Mexico Absolute gravity data from Pinal County, Arizona, 2019 Principal facts of regional gravity data in northeast Iowa Principal facts of gravity data from the Stillwater Complex, Montana, 2013-2014 and 2020 Updated gravity stations and anomaly compilation over Lake Superior Elevation surface grids for the southern midcontinent