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This dataset contains base-flow recession time constant (tau) contours that are interpreted from tau values calculated at streamgages in the Niobrara National Scenic River study area. The contours were created by interpolating the calculated tau values using geostatistical kriging methods. Kriging is a geostatistical method that can be used to determine optimal weights for measurements at sampled locations (streamgages) for the estimation of values at unsampled locations (ungaged sites). The kriged tau map could be used (1) as the basis for identifying areas with different hydrologic responsiveness, and (2) in the development of regional low-flow regression equations. The Geostatistical Analyst tools in ArcGIS Pro...
Nonpoint source pollution is the leading cause of the U.S.’s water quality problems. One important component of nonpoint source pollution control is an understanding of what and how watershed-scale conditions influence ambient water quality. This paper investigated the use of spatial regression to evaluate the impacts of watershed characteristics on stream NO3NO2-N concentration in the Cedar River Watershed, Iowa. An Arc Hydro geodatabase was constructed to organize various datasets on the watershed. Spatial regression models were developed to evaluate the impacts of watershed characteristics on stream NO3NO2-N concentration and predict NO3NO2-N concentration at unmonitored locations. Unlike the traditional ordinary...
These data include 217 median groundwater elevations computed from compiled measurements made in the year 2010 within the transboundary Mesilla/Conejos-Médanos Basin, United States and Mexico, along with their corresponding interpolated groundwater elevations and standard errors from the application of kriging. Of the 217 median groundwater elevation locations, 109 were in the United States and 108 were in Mexico. Considered measurements were limited to wells thought to be completed in the basin-fill/Santa Fe Group aquifer based on well records. This dataset includes a comma-separated values file (Control_points.csv) that provides the median groundwater elevations that were kriged to yield rasters of estimated groundwater...
1 Univariate, multivariate, and geostatistical techniques were used to quantify the scale and degree of soil variability around individual perennial sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana) and bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata ssp. spicata) plants. This variability was then compared to that found across the larger sagebrush-steppe site. Samples were taken every metre in a 10-m $\times$ 12-m grid and every 12.5 cm in nine nested 0.5-m $\times$ 0.5-m grids containing at least one Artemisia shrub or Pseudoroegneria tussock (362 total samples). The 11 soil properties measured were organic matter, pH, water content, live root mass, microbial respiration, net N mineralization, nitrification potential,...
The product data are six statistics that were estimated for the chemical concentration of cobalt in the soil C horizon of the conterminous United States (Smith and others, 2013). The estimates are made at 9998 locations that are uniformly distributed across the conterminous United States. The six statistics are the mean for the isometric log-ratio transform of the concentrations, the equivalent mean for the concentrations, the standard deviation for the isometric log-ratio transform of the concentrations, the probability of exceeding a concentration of 24.4 milligrams per kilogram, the 0.95 quantile for the isometric log-ratio transform of the concentrations, and the equivalent 0.95 quantile for the concentrations....
Bottom altitudes of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA) were compiled from interpretations of subsurface geophysical logs (log picks) at about 10,000 boreholes and wells located throughout the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) that were available from previous investigations. Five sources of the bottom altitude data are listed numerically in the Cross Reference section (below) and correspond with the Ref_code listed in the .shp dataset. Borehole geophysical data (log picks) were referenced (corrected) to the National Elevation Dataset (NED) 10-meter digital elevation model (DEM; Log picks that required a DEM correction of less than 20 feet were retained for...
Desert plants can influence the pattern of resources in soil resulting in small-scale enriched zones. Although conceptually simple, the shape, size, and orientation of these "resource islands" are difficult to study in detail using conventional sampling regimes. To demonstrate and alternative approach, we sampled soil under and around individual Artemisia tridentata (sagebrush), a dominant shrub of cool desert environments, and analyzed the samples with univariate statistics and geostatistics. Univariate Halvorson, Jonathan J, Harvey Bolton Jr, Jeffrey L Smith, and Richard E Rossi. ?Geostatistical analysis of resource islands under Artemisia tridentata in the shrub-steppe.? Western North American Naturalist 54,...
This data set archives all inputs, outputs and scripts needed to reproduce the findings of W.H. Farmer and G.F. Koltun in the 2017 Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies article entitled “Geospatial Tools Effectively Estimated Nonexceedance Probabilities of Daily Streamflow at Ungauged and Intermittently Gauged Locations in Ohio”. Input data includes observed streamflow values, in cubic feet per second, for 152 streamgages in and around Ohio from 01 January 2009 through 31 August 2015. Data from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency on where and when water quality samples were taken are also provided. Geospatial locations are provided for all streamgages and sampling sites considered. ESRI ArcGIS shapefiles are...
Site data contained in the ScrIntrvls_AllSrcRefs_AllWellsRev.csv dataset define the top and bottom altitudes of well screens in 64,763 irrigation wells completed in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA) that constitute a production zone in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) extending across the midwestern and southern United States from Illinois to Louisiana. Each well entry contains an Enumerated Domain Value of the Attribute Label SrcRefNo to identify the state environmental agency that contributed to the database, and enumerated values are associated with specific state agencies by using the Enumerated Domain Value Definition. Screen-top and -bottom altitudes and land surface are referenced (corrected)...
This data release documents grid cells and modeled groundwater levels for hydrologic characterization of aquifer areas used for public drinking-water supply in California’s Central Valley from 1990 to 2020. Observations of spring groundwater level (median depth to groundwater measured from January through April) were calculated for selected wells from the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) periodic groundwater level measurements dataset (DWR, 2021) that had data for >50% of years from 1990 to 2020. Spring groundwater levels for years without data were imputed by multiple linear regression on the top five most correlated records within the same Central Valley subregion (Sacramento Valley, San Joaquin...
Abstract (from Gridded topoclimatic datasets are increasingly used to drive many ecological and hydrological models and assess climate change impacts. The use of such datasets is ubiquitous, but their inherent limitations are largely unknown or overlooked particularly in regard to spatial uncertainty and climate trends. To address these limitations, we present a statistical framework for producing a 30-arcsec (∼800-m) resolution gridded dataset of daily minimum and maximum temperature and related uncertainty from 1948 to 2012 for the conterminous United States. Like other datasets, we use weather station data and elevation-based predictors of temperature,...
The product data are six statistics that were estimated for the chemical concentration of lithium in the soil C horizon of the conterminous United States. The estimates are made at 9998 locations that are uniformly distributed across the conterminous United States. The six statistics are the mean for the isometric log-ratio transform of the concentrations, the equivalent mean for the concentrations, the standard deviation for the isometric log-ratio transform of the concentrations, the probability of exceeding a concentration of 55 milligrams per kilogram, the 0.95 quantile for the isometric log-ratio transform of the concentrations, and the equivalent 0.95 quantile for the concentrations. Each statistic may be...
As the population and industrial infrastructure of the United States continue to grow, the demand for water and the need to forecast water resources accurately are intensifying. Hence, the National Weather Service maintains a set of conceptual, continuous, hydrologic simulation models used to generate extended streamflow predictions, water supply outlooks and flood forecasts that are the basis for major water management and disaster emergency services decisions for the United States. A vital component of the hydrologic simulation models is a snow accumulation and ablation model that uses observed temperature and precipitation data to simulate snow cover conditions. The simulated model states are updated throughout...
The R factor, an index of rainfall erosivity in the universal soil loss equation (USLE), fundamentally governs water related soil loss from agricultural plots and is based on well studied empirical relations. Soil particles and adsorbed contaminants from agricultural runoff inevitably end up in water-courses and ultimately the Great Lakes system, disturbing natural habitat, reducing water clarity and quality. We here use over 22 years of records containing hourly precipitation recordings for 453 meteorological-recording sites in Ontario, southwestern Quebec, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York to estimate the R factor surrounding the lower Laurentian Great Lakes. We generate annual and monthly R factor maps...
The product data are six statistics that were estimated for the chemical concentration of lanthanum in the soil C horizon of the conterminous United States (Smith and others, 2013). The estimates are made at 9998 locations that are uniformly distributed across the conterminous United States. The six statistics are the mean for the isometric log-ratio transform of the concentrations, the equivalent mean for the concentrations, the standard deviation for the isometric log-ratio transform of the concentrations, the probability of exceeding a concentration of 48.8 milligrams per kilogram, the 0.95 quantile for the isometric log-ratio transform of the concentrations, and the equivalent 0.95 quantile for the concentrations....
Desert plants can influence the pattern of resources in soil resulting in small-scale enriched zones. Although conceptually simple, the shape, size, and orientation of these "resource islands" are difficult to study in detail using conventional sampling regimes. To demonstrate and alternative approach, we sampled soil under and around individual Artemisia tridentata (sagebrush), a dominant shrub of cool desert environments, and analyzed the samples with univariate statistics and geostatistics. Univariate statistics revealed that soil variables like total inorganic-N, soluble-C, and microbial biomass-C were distributed with highest mean values within about 25 cm of the plant axis and significantly lower mean values...
Well construction data for 11,917 domestic and 2,390 public-supply wells in the Central Valley were compiled as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Assessment Project (NAWQA) and California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP). Data were compiled for wells reported in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) database and from well information reported to the SWRCB Department of Drinking Water (SWRCB-DDW). Driller’s log data were transcribed from scanned images of well completion reports filed with California Department of Water Resources (DWR). The wells reported in this data release...
The grizzly bear distribution boundary delineates the estimated geographic extent of occupied range of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population for the period 2000-2014. The distribution boundary was generated to provide reliable estimations of grizzly bear occupancy throughout time and for use as a monitoring tool in grizzly bear management and conservation. The boundary was delineated by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) using an interpolation method based on grizzly bear telemetry and GPS locations as well as verified observations and signs of grizzly bears inside the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem during 2000 to 2014.
Variability in atmospheric deposition across the Rocky Mountains is influenced by elevation, slope, aspect, and precipitation amount and by regional and local sources of air pollution. To improve estimates of deposition in mountainous regions, maps of average annual atmospheric deposition loadings of nitrate, sulfate, and acidity were developed for the Rocky Mountains by using spatial statistics. A parameter-elevation regressions on independent slopes model (PRISM) was incorporated to account for variations in precipitation amount over mountainous regions. Chemical data were obtained from the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network and from annual snowpack surveys conducted by the US Geological...
We demonstrate new multi-phase, multi-scale approaches for sampling and modeling native and exotic plant species to predict the spread of invasive species and aid in control efforts. Our test site is a 54,000-ha portion of Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. This work is based on previous research wherein we developed vegetation sampling techniques to identify hot spots of diversity, important rare habitats, and locations of invasive plant species. Here we demonstrate statistical modeling tools to rapidly assess current patterns of native and exotic plant species to determine which habitats are most vulnerable to invasion by exotic species. We use stepwise multiple regression and modified residual kriging...

map background search result map search result map Geostatistical Patterns of Soil Heterogeneity Around Individual Perennial Plants Spatial Point Data Sets and Interpolated Surfaces of Well Construction Characteristics for Domestic and Public Supply Wells in the Central Valley, California, USA Distribution of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear (2000-2014) Geospatial Tools Effectively Estimate Nonexceedance Probabilities of Daily Streamflow at Ungauged and Intermittently Gauged Locations in Ohio: Data Release Digital surfaces of the bottom altitude and thickness of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and site data within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain project region Data for generating statistical maps of soil cobalt concentrations in the conterminous United States Data for generating statistical maps of soil lanthanum concentrations in the conterminous United States Data for generating statistical maps of soil lithium concentrations in the conterminous United States Base-flow recession time constant (tau) contours in the Niobrara National Scenic River in Nebraska, 2016-18 Grid Cells and Modeled Groundwater Levels to Characterize Hydrologic Conditions for Public-supply Aquifers in California's Central Valley, 1990-2020 Digital surfaces and site data of well-screen top and bottom altitudes defining the irrigation production zone of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain project region Estimated groundwater elevations and standard errors from the application of kriging to median groundwater elevation data from 2010 in the Mesilla/Conejos-Médanos Basin, United States and Mexico Geostatistical Patterns of Soil Heterogeneity Around Individual Perennial Plants Base-flow recession time constant (tau) contours in the Niobrara National Scenic River in Nebraska, 2016-18 Estimated groundwater elevations and standard errors from the application of kriging to median groundwater elevation data from 2010 in the Mesilla/Conejos-Médanos Basin, United States and Mexico Distribution of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear (2000-2014) Geospatial Tools Effectively Estimate Nonexceedance Probabilities of Daily Streamflow at Ungauged and Intermittently Gauged Locations in Ohio: Data Release Spatial Point Data Sets and Interpolated Surfaces of Well Construction Characteristics for Domestic and Public Supply Wells in the Central Valley, California, USA Grid Cells and Modeled Groundwater Levels to Characterize Hydrologic Conditions for Public-supply Aquifers in California's Central Valley, 1990-2020 Digital surfaces of the bottom altitude and thickness of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and site data within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain project region Digital surfaces and site data of well-screen top and bottom altitudes defining the irrigation production zone of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain project region Data for generating statistical maps of soil cobalt concentrations in the conterminous United States Data for generating statistical maps of soil lanthanum concentrations in the conterminous United States Data for generating statistical maps of soil lithium concentrations in the conterminous United States