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The Central Mojave Vegetation Map (mojveg.e00) displays vegetation and other land cover types in the eastern Mojave of California. Map labels represent alliances and groups of alliances as described by the National Vegetation Classification. The nominal minimum mapping unit is 5 hectares. Each map unit is labeled by a primary land cover type and a secondary type where applicable. In addition, the source of data for labeling each map unit is also identified in the attribute table for each map unit. Data were developed using field visits, 1:32,000 aerial photography, SPOT satellite imagery, and predictive modeling.
At the direction of the ACC, the 99th Civil Engineering Squadron, Natural and Cultural Resources Flight (99 CES/CEVN) has prepared an Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan (INRMP) to serve as a practical management guideline for the day-to-day operations and management of the natural resources on NAFB and NTTR. The INRMP incorporates natural resource management policies, available regulatory guidance documents, and current natural resource data for NAFB and NTTR to produce a practical guidance document that recognizes and respects the goals and objectives of the Nellis mission while conserving and sustaining the natural resources of both areas. To meet that end, the INRMP provides simple natural resource management...
This paper investigates the potential for systematic errors in the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) widely used Annual Energy Outlook, focusing on the near- to midterm projections of energy demand. Based on analysis of the EIA’s 22-year projection record, we find a fairly modest but persistent tendency to underestimate total energy demand by an average of 2 percent per year after controlling for projection errors in gross domestic product, oil prices, and heating/cooling degree days. For 14 individual fuels/consuming sectors routinely reported by the EIA, we observe a great deal of directional consistency in the errors over time, ranging up to 7 percent per year. Electric utility renewables, electric utility...
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation – Natural Heritage Program (DCRDNH) and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) at Florida State University (collectively, Project Partners) were funded by the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SALCC) in April 2015 to develop ten species distribution models (SDM) of priority at-risk and range-restricted species (Ambystoma cingulatum, Echinacea laevigata, Heterodon simus, Lindera melissifolia, Lythrum curtissii, Notophthalmus perstriatus, Phemeranthus piedmontanus, Rhus michauxii, and Schwalbea americana) for the purposes of incorporating the models and supporting information on the conservation and management needs of the species into the...
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation – Natural Heritage Program (DCRDNH) and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) at Florida State University (collectively, Project Partners) were funded by the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SALCC) in April 2015 to develop ten species distribution models (SDM) of priority at-risk and range-restricted species (Ambystoma cingulatum, Echinacea laevigata, Heterodon simus, Lindera melissifolia, Lythrum curtissii, Notophthalmus perstriatus, Phemeranthus piedmontanus, Rhus michauxii, and Schwalbea americana) for the purposes of incorporating the models and supporting information on the conservation and management needs of the species into the...
Ammodramus savannarum ammolegus (commonly referred to as the Arizona Grasshopper Sparrow) occurs in the desert and plains grasslands of southeastern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and northern Sonora, Mexico. Although a subspecies of conservation concern, this data was produced as part of the first intensive study of its life history and breeding ecology, providing baseline data and facilitating comparisons with other North American Grasshopper Sparrow subspecies. This study is described in the publication listed in the larger work citation of this metadata record. This dataset contains the identity of the plant species under which the nest was constructed.
Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is essential for assessments of water balance and hydrologic responses to forest restoration treatments in uplands adjacent to the Desert LCC. As part of the Four Forests Restoration Initiative, a new paired watershed study is being planned to assess the hydrologic effects of mechanically thinning and restoring a more frequent fire regime to the ponderosa pine forests of Arizona. Water and energy balances will be measured and modeled in these paired watersheds to help inform and better plan for the hydrologic responses of future forest restoration actions. Researchers at Northern Arizona University have collected six years of eddy covariance measurements of ET in the...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, All tags...
Our mission is to develop and maintain a cost-effective, central information source and inventory of the locations, biology, and status of all threatened, endangered, rare, and at-risk plants and animals in Nevada. We use the best available biological data to continually evaluate conservation priorities for over 700 native animals, plants, and vegetation types, focusing on those that are at greatest risk of extinction or serious decline. As a non-regulatory, independent resource for scientifically objective data, environmental review, and technical assistance and expertise, we support the needs of diverse planning, conservation management, research, education, and economic development activities in Nevada. The...
Texas is home to tens of thousands of native animal and plant species. These species form the fabric of over 800 habitat types, from bottomland hardwood forests, big tooth maple canyons, to black grama grasslands. Hundreds of these species occur only in Texas and nowhere else in the world. The Wildlife Diversity Program works to conserve this fabric for the benefit of current and future generations. Our team includes experts in botany, ornithology, herpetology and invertebrate biology that provide leadership on the conservation of rare species and areas with high conservation value across the state. Regional diversity biologists provide a local resource for landowners as well as leadership within local research,...
Renewables in the Mojave Desert This map shows the result of an analysis to characterize the distribution of conservation values across the Mojave Desert Ecoregion. Solar Energy Development in the Western Mojave Desert (July 2012) This assessment identifies areas in the West Mojave Desert where human activities have degraded the land’s conservation value, making them potentially low impact locations for solar development. Authors also describe a comprehensive mitigation program that aims to produce a net improvement to the conservation status of species and habitats in the West Mojave Desert. Publication: An Approach to Enhance the Conservation-Compatibility of Solar Energy Development (January 2012) Mojave...
The Sevilleta LTER supports a long-term, integrated, interdisciplinary research program addressing key hypotheses on pattern and process in aridland ecosystems. Sevilleta LTER research includes studies in desert grassland and shrubland communities, and riparian and mountain forests emphasizing pulse driven processes in space and time. Key drivers (e.g., climate, fire, water, resource availability) govern dynamics in each landscape component. Our focus on how biotic and abiotic drivers affect spatial and temporal dynamics of aridland ecosystems allows us to conduct long-term research that addresses important basic theories and yet has significant relevance to regional, national and international priorities. The...
Grasslands of the Sky Islands region once covered over 13 million acres in southeastern Arizona and adjacent portions of New Mexico, Sonora, and Chihuahua. Attempts to evaluate current ecological conditions suggest that approximately two thirds of these remain as intact or restorable grassland habitat. These grasslands provide watershed services such as flood control and aquifer recharge across the region, and continue to support dozens of species of concern. Prioritizing conservation interventions for these remaining grassland blocks has been challenging. Reliable data on condition and conservation value of grasslands in the region have not been systematically summarized. State and national boundaries further complicate...
This report describes the design, field methodology, and first year results of a vegetation survey and long-term monitoring program to assess the status and document changes in the dominant native plant communities relative to alien species management efforts within the Kipuka Alala section of the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) on the island of Hawai`i. Kipuka Alala is recognized by the Army to be an important habitat that contains a number of unique plant communities as well as populations of several listed or rare plant species. Additionally, Kipuka Alala has been identified as a potential site for the reintroduction of the Palila (Loxioides bailleui), an endangered species of Hawaiian Honeycreeper bird that was...
This map shows the grasslands priority conservation areas (GPCAs) within North America's Central Grasslands, an ecosystem considered among the most threatened in the continent and the world. GPCAs are defined as areas of tri-national importance due to their ecological significance and threatened nature, which are in need of international cooperation for their successful conservation. In 2004, 55 GPCAs were identified by biodiversity experts through research and a workshop co-organized by the CEC. Details of the initial selection process can be found in North American Grassland Priority Conservation Areas: Technical Report and Documentation, and the CEC publication Grasslands: Toward a North American Conservation...
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation – Natural Heritage Program (DCRDNH) and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) at Florida State University (collectively, Project Partners) were funded by the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SALCC) in April 2015 to develop ten species distribution models (SDM) of priority at-risk and range-restricted species (Ambystoma cingulatum, Echinacea laevigata, Heterodon simus, Lindera melissifolia, Lythrum curtissii, Notophthalmus perstriatus, Phemeranthus piedmontanus, Rhus michauxii, and Schwalbea americana) for the purposes of incorporating the models and supporting information on the conservation and management needs of the species into the...
Meeting the Emerging Environmental and Biodiversity Conservation Science Needs for New Mexico We provide current scientific information, research, and education on the conservation of New Mexico biota and natural resources to government, business, land managers, scientists, and the public. New Mexico Conservation Information System Find data for over 600 rare or endangered plant and animal species. NHNM Conservation Science Programs Get information on our conservation research, monitoring, and inventory projects across New Mexico and the Southwest. Ecology Zoology Botany
This paper describes the potential applications of renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuel combustion as the prime energy sources in various countries, and discusses problems associated with biomass combustion in boiler power systems. Here, the term biomass includes organic matter produced as a result of photosynthesis as well as municipal, industrial and animal waste material. Brief summaries of the basic concepts involved in the combustion of biomass fuels are presented. Renewable energy sources (RES) supply 14% of the total world energy demand. RES are biomass, hydropower, geothermal, solar, wind and marine energies. The renewables are the primary, domestic and clean or inexhaustible energy resources....
Conceptos: ¿Qué son las especies? La gran familia ¿Cuántas especies hay? Distribución de las especies Extinción Categorías de riesgo en: México | Mundo | CITES Conocimiento y uso: EncicloVida Especies endémicas Especies prioritarias Especies para la reforestación Especies de malezas Herbario virtual Especies invasoras Aves Monitoreo de especies Catálogos de especies Colecciones científicas Sistema de Información Biótica Red Mundial de Información sobre Biodiversidad Para conocer más: Bibliografía Sitios Web
The Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) is a multi-agency effort to scientifically quantify the environmental benefits of conservation practices used by private landowners participating in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other conservation programs. Project findings will guide USDA conservation policy and program development and help farmers and ranchers to make informed conservation choices. The three principal components of CEAP — the national assessment, the watershed assessment studies, and the bibliographies and literature reviews — contribute to the evolving process of building the science base for conservation. That process includes research, monitoring and data collection, modeling,...

map background search result map search result map Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Central Mojave Vegetation Map Priority Conservation Areas: Grasslands, 2010 Sevilleta LTER Sustaining the Grassland Sea Nevada Natural Heritage Program Grazing Lands National Assessment Papel hidrológico-ambiental de pastizales nativos e introducidos en la cuenca alta del río Chuvíscar, Chihuahua, México Project area and plant species data (services and shapefiles) Biodiversidad Mexicana: Especies Nellis Air Force Base Plan 126-4 Natural Heritage New Mexico Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Diversity Program Nest plant measurements Arizona 2011-2013 At-risk and range restricted species models: Geographic Datasets for Lindera melissifolia (Pondberry) At-risk and range restricted species models: Geographic Datasets for Echinacea laevigata (Smooth coneflower) At-risk and range restricted species models: Geographic Datasets for Schwalbea americana (American Chaffseed) Papel hidrológico-ambiental de pastizales nativos e introducidos en la cuenca alta del río Chuvíscar, Chihuahua, México Project area and plant species data (services and shapefiles) Nest plant measurements Arizona 2011-2013 Sevilleta LTER Nellis Air Force Base Plan 126-4 Sustaining the Grassland Sea Central Mojave Vegetation Map Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Natural Heritage New Mexico Nevada Natural Heritage Program Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Diversity Program At-risk and range restricted species models: Geographic Datasets for Lindera melissifolia (Pondberry) At-risk and range restricted species models: Geographic Datasets for Schwalbea americana (American Chaffseed) At-risk and range restricted species models: Geographic Datasets for Echinacea laevigata (Smooth coneflower) Biodiversidad Mexicana: Especies Priority Conservation Areas: Grasslands, 2010 Grazing Lands National Assessment