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The West Hills of Portland, in the southern Tualatin Mountains, trend northwest along the west side of Portland, Oregon. These silt-mantled mountains receive significant wet-season precipitation and are prone to sliding during wet conditions, occasionally resulting in significant property damage or casualties. In an effort to develop a baseline for interpretive analysis of the groundwater response to rainfall, an automated monitoring system was installed in 2006 to measure rainfall, pore-water pressure, soil suction, soil-water potential, and volumetric water content at 15-minute intervals. The data show a cyclical pattern of groundwater and moisture content levels—wet from October to May and dry between June and...
This data release contains rainfall data from the 2020 Archie Creek, Holiday Farm, and Riverside Fire’s. These are gages identified in the parent OR_field_observations.csv release and used to calculate peak rainfall intensity-durations. The csv files here are organized by the station name and followed by the year of data collection. The locations of the stations, dates of deployment, interval, and unit of rainfall measurement are available in gage_locations.csv in the parent data release. All rainfall data are reported as a cumulative total. The Archie1, Archie2, Archie3, Holiday1, Holiday2, Holiday3, Holiday4, and Oregon Rain 4 rain gages are non-telemetered. These gages were deployed following the fires within...
This USGS Data Release section presents tipping-bucket rain gage data collected following the 2000 Cerro Grande Fire near Los Alamos, New Mexico. Further details are provided in
This data release includes time-series data from a monitoring site located in a small drainage basin in the Arroyo Seco watershed in Los Angeles County, CA, USA (N3788964 E389956, UTM Zone 11, NAD83). The site was established after the 2009 Station Fire and recorded a series debris flows in the first winter after the fire. The data include three types of time-series: (1) 1-minute time series of rainfall, soil water content, channel bed pore pressure and temperature, and flow stage recorded by radar and laser distance meters (ArroyoSecoContinuous.csv); (2) 10-Hz time series of flow stage recorded by the laser distance meter during rain storms (ArroyoSecoStormLaser.csv), and (3) 2-second time series of rainfall and...
MethodsStudy area: Our initial study area included the entire globe. We began with a seamless grid of cells with a resolution of 0.5 degrees (i.e., ~50 km at the equator). Next, we created polylines representing coastlines using SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) v4.1 global digital elevation model data at a resolution of 250 m (Reuter et al. 2007). We used these coastline polylines to identify and retain cells that intersected the coast. We excluded 192,227 cells that did not intersect the coast. To avoid cells with minimal potential coastal wetland habitat, we used the coastline data to remove an additional 1,056 coastal cells that contained less than or equal to 5% coverage of land. We also removed 176...
This data release includes time-series data from a monitoring site located in a small (0.12 km2) drainage basin in the Las Lomas watershed in Los Angeles County, CA, USA. The site was established after the 2016 Fish Fire and recorded a series debris flows in the first winter after the fire. The station is located along the channel at the outlet of the study area (34 9’18.50”N, 117 56’41.33”W, WGS84). The data were collected between November 15, 2016 and February 23, 2017. The data include two types of time series: (1) continuous 1-minute time series of rainfall and flow stage recorded by a laser distance meter suspended over the channel (LasLomasContinuous.csv), and (2) 50-Hz time series of flow stage and flow-induced...
Bias-corrected daily precipitation at 1-kilometer (km) scale is provided for Puerto Rico. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used by Bowden and others (2018) to dynamically downscale the Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques-CERFACS (CNRM) model for the historical period 1985-2005. Total hourly precipitation data (convective plus non-convective) for the innnermost domain in Bowden and others (2018; their domain 3) was aggregated to a daily timestep and then bias-corrected using Multiplicative Quantile Delta Mapping (MQDM; Cannon and others, 2015) with Daymet v4 as the observational gridded precipitation dataset (Thornton and others, 2020). The bias-corrected daily precipitation data is...
One of the determinants of runoff is the occurrence of excess rainfall events where rainfall rates exceed the infiltration capacity of soils. To help understand runoff risks, we calculated the probability of excess rainfall events across the Hawaiian landscape by comparing the probability distributions of projected rainfall frequency and land cover-specific infiltration capacity. We characterized soil infiltration capacity based on different land cover types (bare soil, grasses, and woody vegetation) and compared them to the frequency of large rainfall events under current and future (pseudo-global warming) climate scenarios. Here we provide two rasters of excess rainfall for current (2002-2012) and future (2090-2099)...
This map layer shows polygons of average annual precipitation in thecontiguous United States, for the climatological period 1961-1990.Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM)derived raster data is the underlying data set from which the polygonsand vectors were created. PRISM is an analytical model that uses pointdata and a digital elevation model (DEM) to generate gridded estimatesof annual, monthly and event-based climatic parameters.
On September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria hit the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico as a category 4 storm. Heavy rainfall caused landslides in mountainous regions throughout the territory. This data release presents geospatial data describing the concentration of landslides generated by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. We used post-hurricane satellite and aerial imagery collected between September 26, 2017 and October 8, 2017 to visually estimate the concentration of landslides over nearly the whole territory. This was done by dividing the territory into a grid with 4 square km cells (2 km x 2 km). Each 4 square km grid cell was classified as either containing no landslides, fewer than 25 landslides/ square km or more than...
This data release supports the analysis of the recurrence interval of post-fire debris-flow generating rainfall in the southwestern United States. We define the recurrence interval of the peak 15-, 30-, and 60-minute rainfall intensities for 316 observations of post-fire debris-flow occurrence in 18 burn areas, 5 U.S. states, and 7 climate types. These data support the analysis described in Staley et al. (2020). Debris flow occurrence data and corresponding peak rainfall intensities are from Staley et al. (2016). Recurrence interval data are from NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 1: semiarid southwestern United States (Bonnin et al., 2004), Volume 6: California (Perica et al., 2014) and Volume 8: Midwestern States (Perica...
One of the determinants of runoff is the occurrence of excess rainfall events where rainfall rates exceed the infiltration capacity of soils. To help understand runoff risks, we calculated the probability of excess rainfall events across the Hawaiian landscape by comparing the probability distributions of projected rainfall frequency and land cover-specific infiltration capacity. We characterized soil infiltration capacity based on different land cover types (bare soil, grasses, and woody vegetation) and compared them to the frequency of large rainfall events under current and future (pseudo-global warming) climate scenarios. Here we provide a raster stack that contain the probability of excess rainfall exceeding...
In the expectation that global climate will change steadily in the coming decades, this research project had the goal to obtain a more detailed view of the climatic changes that Hawai’i could experience by the mid and late 21st century. Given the importance of rainfall for Hawaiian ecosystems and freshwater reserves, this project investigated past seasonal rainfall pattern and developed a statistical model to estimate future rainfall changes for the major islands. As a result of this research, high-resolution maps and data are now available that researchers can use to study potential impacts on endangered species, or use the rainfall changes as input in decision-support tools.This data product provides data files...
Seasonal variations in vegetation, rainfall, and soil moisture conditions have the potential to impact the slope stability of locally forested coastal bluffs in the Atlantic Highlands of New Jersey. Both the seasonality and rainfall amounts of the two types of storms that induce shallow landslides in the area vary considerably. Most of the documented historical landslides are the result of heavy rainfall caused by late summer-fall tropical cyclones. The majority of the remaining documented landslides are related to spring nor’easters and total storm rainfall amounts for these storms are generally lower than the rainfall amounts for the tropical cyclones. In order to assess how conditions that may affect the potential...
This map service includes data on common variables of climate for Canada. Layers in this map service include daylight hours in December and June (solstice months), annual min, max, and mean temperatures, total rainfall and total snowfall. Data for all layers represent mean values from 1951 to 1980. Map Service published and hosted by Esri Canada, © 2011.
The data presented here contain quasi-event hydrologic response characteristics for quickflow response intervals (QRIs) calculated at 57 USGS GAGES-II reference watersheds in the western US. Each row in the attached csv contains characteristics for an individual QRI at one site. QRI characteristics include duration, antecedent flow, input, input rate,peak flow, potential evapotranspiration, quickflow, and quickflow/input (effectively a runoff ratio). This data release supports the publication "Sub-annual streamflow responses to rainfall and snowmelt inputs in snow-dominated watersheds of the western U.S." in Water Resources Research.
This data release contains all of the available raw rainfall data from the Grizzly Creek Fire perimeter from September 2020 through September 2022. The csv files here are organized by the station name and followed by the year of the data. The locations of the stations are available in the file named (4_Gauge_Location.csv) in the parent data release. The rain gauge data were obtained using two different methods. The gauges named: ‘USGS_’ are non-telemetered gauges and each timestamp represents a bucket tip. The columns in each csv for these gauges includes an Index, Date Time, Name, Serial Number, and Tipping Bucket depth (in units of millmeters). Gauges GCCC2, GCDC2, GCEC2, GCFC2, GCIC2, GCNC2, GCTC2 were operated...
Categories: Data; Tags: Glenwood Canyon, Hydrology, Rainfall, biota
The dataset includes daily rainfall collected at Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques and Caño Boquerón, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico from July 1, 2015 to July 28, 2016. Two rain gages were installed at: 1) USGS stations: 50129935 - Caño Boquerón No. 3, and 2) 50231500 - Laguna Bahía Puerto Mosquito No. 1. Site inspections of both rain gages occurred at 6-weeks intervals. Further details regarding the calibration, equipment, and data processing are available in the USGS National Information System (NWIS).
Fog has been demonstrated to support plant growth, survival and ecosystem maintenance spanning rainfall and elevation gradients across the world. Persistent fog and strong winds on high mountain slopes in Hawaiʻi create a unique ecological environment. To better understand the effect of fog and rainfall on soil moisture responses, we installed six soil moisture sensors across three sites at a depth of 5 cm. We condensed soil moisture data into mean daily responses (increase/decrease) and compared these to days classified by precipitation type (clear, fog, rain, or rain + fog). To explicitly test whether non-native grass removal affected responsiveness of surface soils to precipitation events, we then identified...

map background search result map search result map Canada's Climate Average Annual Precipitation (PRISM model) 1961 - 1990 Datasets for "Climate Change Research in Support of Hawaiian Ecosystem Management: An Integrated Approach" Climatic controls on the global distribution, abundance, and species richness of mangrove forests Results of Hydrologic Monitoring of a Landslide-Prone Hillslope in Portland's West Hills, Oregon, 2006-2017 Post-wildfire debris-flow monitoring data, Arroyo Seco, 2009 Station Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2009 to March 2010. Field data used to support numerical simulations of variably-saturated flow focused on variability in soil-water retention properties for the U.S. Geological Survey Bay Area Landslide Type (BALT) Site #1 in the East Bay region of California, USA Map data showing concentration of landslides caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico Daily rainfall collected at Caño Boquerón, Cabo Rojo and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico, July 1, 2015 to July 28, 2016 Post-wildfire debris-flow monitoring data, Las Lomas, 2016 Fish Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2016 to February 2017 Sub-annual streamflow responses to rainfall and snowmelt inputs in snow-dominated watersheds of the western U.S. Data supporting an analysis of the recurrence interval of post-fire debris-flow generating rainfall in the southwestern United States Hydrologic, slope movement, and soil property data from the coastal bluffs of the Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, 2016-2018 Soil moisture data from grass treatment and control sites in a cloud-affected restoration site at Nakula, Maui, 2016-2019 Bias-corrected daily precipitation at 1-kilometer resolution for Puerto Rico from dynamical downscaling by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model of the Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques-CERFACS (CNRM) model for the historical period 1985-2005 Precipitation Data Grizzly Creek Burn Perimeter Hawaiian Islands probability of excess rainfall conditions under current (2002-2012) and future (2090-2099) scenarios Hawaiian Islands probability of excess rainfall conditions by land cover type under current (2002-2012) and future (2090-2099) scenarios Precipitation data within the 2020 Archie Creek, Holiday Farm, Beachie Creek, Lionshead, and Riverside Fires, in the Western Cascade Range of Oregon from 2020-2023 Post-wildfire rain gage data for Rendija Canyon, New Mexico Post-wildfire debris-flow monitoring data, Las Lomas, 2016 Fish Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2016 to February 2017 Soil moisture data from grass treatment and control sites in a cloud-affected restoration site at Nakula, Maui, 2016-2019 Field data used to support numerical simulations of variably-saturated flow focused on variability in soil-water retention properties for the U.S. Geological Survey Bay Area Landslide Type (BALT) Site #1 in the East Bay region of California, USA Hydrologic, slope movement, and soil property data from the coastal bluffs of the Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, 2016-2018 Results of Hydrologic Monitoring of a Landslide-Prone Hillslope in Portland's West Hills, Oregon, 2006-2017 Precipitation Data Grizzly Creek Burn Perimeter Post-wildfire rain gage data for Rendija Canyon, New Mexico Precipitation data within the 2020 Archie Creek, Holiday Farm, Beachie Creek, Lionshead, and Riverside Fires, in the Western Cascade Range of Oregon from 2020-2023 Datasets for "Climate Change Research in Support of Hawaiian Ecosystem Management: An Integrated Approach" Hawaiian Islands probability of excess rainfall conditions under current (2002-2012) and future (2090-2099) scenarios Hawaiian Islands probability of excess rainfall conditions by land cover type under current (2002-2012) and future (2090-2099) scenarios Data supporting an analysis of the recurrence interval of post-fire debris-flow generating rainfall in the southwestern United States Sub-annual streamflow responses to rainfall and snowmelt inputs in snow-dominated watersheds of the western U.S. Average Annual Precipitation (PRISM model) 1961 - 1990 Canada's Climate Climatic controls on the global distribution, abundance, and species richness of mangrove forests