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In support of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Southwest Biological Science Center researchers, and in coordination with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), the USGS National Uncrewed Systems Office (NUSO) conducted uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) remote sensing flights over two BLM Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) plots at the NEON Moab site in Utah for multi-scale carbon sequestration research on public lands. The UAS data collected include natural color, multispectral, and hyperspectral imagery, and lidar to capture diverse information about vegetation and soils on drylands. The first site (“site 1”) features intact sagebrush and was mapped on May 3,...
In support of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Southwest Biological Science Center researchers, and in coordination with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), the USGS National Uncrewed Systems Office (NUSO) conducted uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) remote sensing flights over two BLM Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) plots at the NEON Moab site in Utah for multi-scale carbon sequestration research on public lands.The UAS data collected include natural color, multispectral, and hyperspectral imagery, and lidar to capture diverse information about vegetation and soils on two dryland sites approximately 40 km south of Moab, Utah. The first site (“site 1”) features...
This child data release includes hyperspectral and RGB images acquired from an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) during an experiment performed at the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center, near Columbia, Missouri, on April 2, 2019. The purpose of the experiment was to assess the feasibility of inferring concentrations of a visible dye (Rhodamine WT) tracer from various types of remotely sensed data in water with varying levels of turbidity. Whereas previous research on remote sensing of tracer dye concentrations has focused on clear-flowing streams, the Missouri River is much more turbid and the reflectance signal associated with the sediment-laden water could obscure that related to the presence and amount...
The U.S. Geological Survey acquired hyperspectral image data and various field measurements from a reach of the Deschutes River near Bend, OR, between Benham Falls and Dillon Falls July 26-29, 2016, to support research on remote sensing of river discharge. This parent data release includes links to child pages for the following data sets: 1) hyperspectral image data; 2) ground-based bathymetric survey data obtained with a multi-beam echo sounder; 3) reflectance spectra and depth measurements acquired from a raft; and 4) an irradiance profile used to characterize attenuation of light by the water column. Please refer to the individual child pages for further detail about each data set. Overall, these data were...
The U.S. Geological Survey collected field spectra collected from three rivers in Alaska September 19–21, 2016, to support research on remote sensing of river discharge. Reflectance measurements were made from bridges across the Chena River, Salcha River, and Montana Creek using an Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec3 spectroradiometer operated in reflectance mode. The original *.asd files are provided in this data release. This data release supports the following article: Legleiter, C.J., Kinzel, P.J., and Nelson, J.M., 2017, Remote measurement of river discharge using thermal particle image velocimetry (PIV) and various sources of bathymetric information: Journal of Hydrology, v. 554, p. 490-506,
This study tests the influence of environmental conditions on conversion of the maceral bituminite to a solid petroleum residuum (solid bitumen) during pyrolysis. The presence of water in sedimentary basins controls multiple processes during petroleum generation, migration, and storage. Four organic-rich (26–36 wt.% total organic carbon) oil shale samples were collected from thin-bedded (several cm thick), discontinuous outcrop exposures in the Neoproterozoic–Lower Cambrian restricted marine Salt Range Formation in the upper Indus Basin, Pakistan. Samples were from the Khewra Gorge (K-2) and Sohan Nala localities [SN-R(c), SN-5(b), SN-1]; a sample of Joadja torbanite coal from Australia containing terrigenous vitrinite...
This data set replaces the 2010 edition (Edition 1.0) of the 2005 Land Cover of North America. Following the release of the first 2005 land cover data, several errors were identified in the data, including both errors in labeling and misinterpretation of thematic classes. To correct the labeling errors, each country focused on its national territory and corrected the errors which it considered most critical or misleading. For the continental data sets (including surrounding water fringe) 17440830 pixels (4.33% of the area) changed in the update. The following national counts exclude the water fringe: Canada, 10223412 pixels changed (6.44%); Mexico, 141142 pixels changed (0.45%), and U.S., 6878656 pixels changed...
In support of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Southwest Biological Science Center researchers, and in coordination with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), the USGS National Uncrewed Systems Office (NUSO) conducted uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) remote sensing flights over two BLM Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) plots at the NEON Moab site in Utah for multi-scale carbon sequestration research on public lands. The UAS data collected include natural color, multispectral, and hyperspectral imagery, and lidar to capture diverse information about vegetation and soils on drylands. The first site (“site 1”) features intact sagebrush and was mapped on May 3,...
Pollen morphology and pollen morphology in conjunction with other characteristics have elucidated the origin and evolution of various plant groups. Many studies of fossil pollen rarely discuss the effects of diagenesis and sample preparation on pollen characteristics. This paper examines the relationship of diagenesis, sample preparation (e.g., acetolysis), and staining techniques on the preservation and interpretation of pollen characteristics viewed with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Based on empirical studies, different species under similar experimental conditions have different reflectance values, indicating the individual species respond differently to diagenetic events. The quantitative...
Field spectra were collected from the Deschutes River near Bend, OR, July 26-28, 2016, to support research on remote sensing of river discharge. Reflectance measurements were made from a raft in the reach of the Deschutes River between Benham Falls and Dillon Falls using an Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec3 spectroradiometer operated in reflectance mode. The depth at each spectral measurement location was interpolated from field measurements of depth obtained with an echo sounder. This data release provides both the reflectance spectra and the interpolated depths and can be used to develop relationships between depth and reflectance for mapping river bathymetry from field spectra or passive optical remotely...
This data set replaces the 2010 edition (Edition 1.0) of the 2005 Land Cover of North America. Following the release of the first 2005 land cover data, several errors were identified in the data, including both errors in labeling and misinterpretation of thematic classes. To correct the labeling errors, each country focused on its national territory and corrected the errors which it considered most critical or misleading. For the continental data sets (including surrounding water fringe) 17440830 pixels (4.33% of the area) changed in the update. The following national counts exclude the water fringe: Canada, 10223412 pixels changed (6.44%); Mexico, 141142 pixels changed (0.45%), and U.S., 6878656 pixels changed...
This data set shows areas where the land cover classification changed between 2005and 2010. The 2005-2010 Land Cover Change of North America at 250 meters wasproduced as part of the North American Land Change Monitoring System (NALCMS), atrilateral effort between the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, the United StatesGeological Survey, and three Mexican organizations including the National Instituteof Statistics and Geography (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia),National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of the Biodiversity (ComisiónNacional Para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad), and the National ForestryCommission of Mexico (Comisión Nacional Forestal). The collaboration isfacilitated by...
To support research on remote sensing of rivers, several types of remotely sensed data and various field measurements were acquired from a reach of the upper Sacramento River in northern California, September 11 - October 18, 2017. These data sets also facilitate efforts to characterize in-stream habitat for salmon and monitor geomorphic change along the Sacramento River. This parent data release includes links to child pages for the following data sets: 1) airborne hyperspectral image data acquired from a conventional, manned, fixed-wing aircraft; 2) hyperspectral image data acquired from an umanned aerial system (UAS); 3) multispectral image data acquired from a satellite; 4) bathymetric LiDAR acquired from...
The dataset covers X-ray diffraction (XRD) applied for mineral determination in shales from the Utica, Excello, Niobrara, and Monterey formations. The XRD was performed prior to modified Rock-Eval pyrolysis, reflectance, organic petrology, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) being employed to analyze geochemical properties; gas adsorption (CO2 and N2) was used to characterize pore structures.
Field spectra were collected from the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park, WY, August 23, 2015, to support research on remote sensing of rivers. Reflectance measurements were made from a raft in the Swallow Bend reach of the Snake River using an Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec3 spectroradiometer operated in reflectance mode. The depth at each spectral measurement location was interpolated from field measurements of depth obtained with an acoustic Doppler current profiler. This data release provides both the reflectance spectra and the interpolated depths and can be used to develop relationships between depth and reflectance for mapping river bathymetry from field spectra or passive optical remotely sensed...
For the open-file report we collected new coking coal samples from Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma and Arkansas and analyzed them for proximate and ultimate analyses; calorific value; sulfur forms; major-, minor-, and trace-element abundances; free swelling indices; Gieseler plasticity; ASTM dilatation; coal petrography, and several other tests [air-dry loss (ADL), residual moisture (RM), equilibrium moisture (EQM), and true specific gravity (TSG)]. Coal Stability Factor (CSF) and Coal Strength after Reaction with CO2 (CSR) were predicted using chemical, rheological, and petrographic data (pCSF and pCSR, respectively). In addition, data from previously analyzed samples in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, and Kentucky...
Categories: Data; Tags: Alabama, Arkansas, Arkansas Valley coal field, Boone County, W.Va., CBI, All tags...
Hyperspectral image data and various field measurements were acquired from a reach of the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park, WY, August 19-24, 2015, to support research on remote sensing of rivers. This parent data release includes links to child pages for the following data sets: 1) hyperspectral image data; 2) ground-based depth measurements obtained by wading and with with an acoustic Doppler current profiler; 3) reflectance spectra acquired from a raft; and 4) an irradiance profile used to characterize attenuation of light by the water column. Please refer to the individual child pages for further detail about each data set. Overall, these data were used to develop improved methods of estimating water...
This study evaluated carbonaceous shales proximal to coal measures and coal samples via isothermal hydrous pyrolysis (HP) to compare differences in the maturation pathways of vitrinite in different matrices and with different starting aromaticity. Sample residues were analysed via vitrinite reflectance (VRo), geochemical screening tests (organic carbon and programmed temperature pyrolysis), and infrared spectroscopy. The study included samples from Indian and North American basins, to observe differences in vitrinite evolution with respect to enclosing mineral matrix, starting degree of aromaticity, organic matter types, stratigraphic age, and depositional environment. Tmax, production index (PI), and VRo show intuitive...
Conventional methods of assessing organic matter (OM) thermal maturity have limitations and often fail to reflect the geochemical heterogeneity between individual organic phases in mudstone samples. Vitrinite and solid bitumen reflectance, for example, is often measured to estimate OM thermal maturity but is restricted to specific types of OM. Alternative methods deserve exploration. This dataset provides the optical reflectance values that support a study investigating the application of fine-scale geochemical techniques to estimate OM thermal maturity. The study proposes a new analytical procedure using field emission-electron probe micro-analyzer (FE-EPMA). This instrument analyzes both the major elemental composition...

map background search result map search result map 2005 Land Cover of North America at 250 meters - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Land Use Land Cover 2005-2010 Land Cover Change of North America at 250 meters - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Land Use Land Cover Field spectra from rivers in Alaska, September 19–21, 2016 Hyperspectral image data and field measurements used for bathymetric mapping of the Deschutes River near Bend, OR Hyperspectral image data and field measurements used for bathymetric mapping of the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park, WY Field spectra from the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park, WY, August 23, 2015 Field spectra from the Deschutes River near Bend, OR, July 26-28, 2016 Remotely sensed data and field measurements used for bathymetric mapping of the upper Sacramento River in northern California XRD data from study on the impact of thermal maturity on shale microstructures using hydrous pyrolysis (2018) Hyperspectral and RGB images acquired during an experiment conducted at the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia, MO, on April 2, 2019 Coking coal of the United States: Modern and historical locations of coking coal mining locations and chemical, rheological, petrographic, and other data from modern samples Reflectance and spectral fluorescence data from the effect of diagenesis on the preservation of morphology and ultrastructural features of pollen Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) natural color, multispectral, lidar, and hyperspectral remote sensing data products collected at dryland sites 40 km south of Moab, Utah in May 2023 Multispectral structure-from-motion digital elevation and reflectance orthomosaic data products from Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS) surveys of dryland sites 40 km south of Moab, Utah in May 2023 Hyperspectral orthorectified reflectance images from Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS) surveys of dryland sites 40 km south of Moab, Utah in May 2023 Evaluation of solid bitumen created from marine oil shale bituminite under hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysis conditions 2005 Land Cover of North America at 250 meters - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Land Use Land Cover Reflectance data from figures in: Using X-ray spectrum of carbon in electron microprobe analysis to determine thermal maturity of organic matter in mudstones Hyperspectral and RGB images acquired during an experiment conducted at the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia, MO, on April 2, 2019 Hyperspectral image data and field measurements used for bathymetric mapping of the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park, WY Field spectra from the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park, WY, August 23, 2015 Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) natural color, multispectral, lidar, and hyperspectral remote sensing data products collected at dryland sites 40 km south of Moab, Utah in May 2023 Multispectral structure-from-motion digital elevation and reflectance orthomosaic data products from Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS) surveys of dryland sites 40 km south of Moab, Utah in May 2023 Hyperspectral orthorectified reflectance images from Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS) surveys of dryland sites 40 km south of Moab, Utah in May 2023 Remotely sensed data and field measurements used for bathymetric mapping of the upper Sacramento River in northern California Hyperspectral image data and field measurements used for bathymetric mapping of the Deschutes River near Bend, OR Field spectra from the Deschutes River near Bend, OR, July 26-28, 2016 Coking coal of the United States: Modern and historical locations of coking coal mining locations and chemical, rheological, petrographic, and other data from modern samples XRD data from study on the impact of thermal maturity on shale microstructures using hydrous pyrolysis (2018) Field spectra from rivers in Alaska, September 19–21, 2016 Evaluation of solid bitumen created from marine oil shale bituminite under hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysis conditions Reflectance and spectral fluorescence data from the effect of diagenesis on the preservation of morphology and ultrastructural features of pollen 2005 Land Cover of North America at 250 meters - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Land Use Land Cover 2005-2010 Land Cover Change of North America at 250 meters - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Land Use Land Cover 2005 Land Cover of North America at 250 meters - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Land Use Land Cover Reflectance data from figures in: Using X-ray spectrum of carbon in electron microprobe analysis to determine thermal maturity of organic matter in mudstones