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This dataset release provides historical (2022) estimates of fractional cover for Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) species and a native perennial bunch grass in the arid and semi-arid rangelands of the western United States. The dataset includes four fractional cover maps per year, accompanied by corresponding confidence maps, for a group of 16 species of EAGs, Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and Sandberg Bluegrass (Poa secunda).
This dataset release provides historical (2023) estimates of fractional cover for Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) species and a native perennial bunch grass in the arid and semi-arid rangelands of the western United States. The dataset includes five fractional cover maps per year, accompanied by corresponding confidence maps, for a group of 16 species of EAGs, Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); Field Brome (Bromus arvensis), Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and Sandberg Bluegrass (Poa secunda).
These datasets provide early estimates of 2022 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a bi-weekly basis from May to early July. The EAG estimates are developed within one week of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each bi-weekly release contains four fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 4) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) data plots; Harmonized Landsat...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Great Basin,
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel,
These datasets provide early estimates of 2024 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from April to late June. Typically, the EAG estimates are publicly released within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains five fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) Field Brome (Bromus arvensis); 4) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 5) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory,...
This dataset provides early estimates of 2021 exotic annual grasses (EAG) fractional cover predicted on May 3rd. We develop and release EAG fractional cover map with an emphasis on cheatgrass (Bromus tectrorum) but it also includes number of other species, i.e., Bromus arvensis L., Bromus briziformis, Bromus catharticus Vahl, Bromus commutatus, Bromus diandrus, Bromus hordeaceus L., Bromus japonicus, Bromus madritensis L., Bromus racemosus, Bromus rubens L., Bromus secalinus L., Bromus texensis (Shear) Hitchc., and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae. The dataset was generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring data (AIM) plots; Harmonized...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Great Basin,
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel,
These datasets provide early estimates of 2024 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from April to late June. Typically, the EAG estimates are publicly released within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains five fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) Field Brome (Bromus arvensis); 4) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 5) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Field Brome,
Great Basin,
These datasets provide early estimates of 2024 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from April to late June. Typically, the EAG estimates are publicly released within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains five fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) Field Brome (Bromus arvensis); 4) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 5) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Field Brome,
Great Basin,
These datasets provide early estimates of 2023 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from May to early July. The EAG estimates are developed typically within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains four fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 4) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) data plots; Harmonized...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Great Basin,
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel,
The dataset provides a near real time estimation of 2020 herbaceous mostly annual fractional cover predicted on July 1st with an emphasis on annual exotic grasses Historically, similar maps were produced at a spatial resolution of 250m (Boyte et al. 2019, Boyte et al. 2018, but starting this year we are mapping at a 30m resolution (Pastick et al. 2020 doi:10.3390/rs12040725). This dataset was generated using in situ observations from Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring data (AIM) plots; weekly composites of harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) data (; relevant environmental, vegetation,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: California,
Great Basin,
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel,
The introduction of exotic plant species into the western United States has caused substantial changes to rangeland disturbance regimes and ecosystem structure and function. For example, exotic annual grass (EAG) invasion in western rangelands has increased wildfire frequency, which greatly reduces rangeland ecosystem diversity and leads to single-species dominance in many areas. Rangeland monocultures do not provide optimal carbon sequestration and other environmental processes necessary to sustain historically normal ecosystem structure, including the ecological diversity needed to support sagebrush obligates like Greater Sagegrouse, pygmy rabbit, and pronghorn. These obligates, as well as others, require contiguous,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Bromus japonicus,
Bromus tectorum,
California (CA),
Colorado (CO),
These datasets provide early estimates of 2023 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from May to early July. The EAG estimates are developed typically within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains four fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 4) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) data plots; Harmonized...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Great Basin,
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel,
These datasets provide early estimates of 2023 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from May to early July. The EAG estimates are developed typically within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains four fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 4) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) data plots; Harmonized...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Great Basin,
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel,
These datasets provide early estimates of 2021 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and a native perennial grass predicted on July 1 using satellite observation data available no later than June 28th. Four fractional cover maps comprise this release, along with the corresponding confidence maps, for: 1) a group of 17 species of EAGs (i.e., Bromus arvensis L., Bromus briziformis, Bromus catharticus Vahl, Bromus commutatus, Bromus diandrus, Bromus hordeaceus L., Bromus hordeaceus spp. hordeaceus, Bromus japonicus, Bromus madritensis L., Bromus madritensis L. ssp. rubens (L.) Duvin, Bromus L., Bromus racemosus, Bromus rubens L., Bromus secalinus L., Bromus tectorum L., Bromus texensis (Shear) Hitchc.,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Great Basin,
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel,
These datasets provide early estimates of 2022 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a bi-weekly basis from May to early July. The EAG estimates are developed within one week of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each bi-weekly release contains four fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 4) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) data plots; Harmonized Landsat...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Great Basin,
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel,
These datasets provide early estimates of 2024 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from April to late June. Typically, the EAG estimates are publicly released within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains five fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) Field Brome (Bromus arvensis); 4) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 5) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Field Brome,
Great Basin,
This dataset release provides historical (2016 - 2023) estimates of fractional cover for Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) species and a native perennial bunch grass in the arid and semi-arid rangelands of the western United States. The dataset includes four (five for 2023) fractional cover maps per year, accompanied by corresponding confidence maps, for a group of 16 species of EAGs, Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and Sandberg Bluegrass (Poa secunda). Field Brome (Bromus arvensis) is added as individual map species in 2023. The data were generated using a combination of field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) plots; remotely...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Great Basin,
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel,
This dataset release provides historical (2021) estimates of fractional cover for Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) species and a native perennial bunch grass in the arid and semi-arid rangelands of the western United States. The dataset includes four fractional cover maps per year, accompanied by corresponding confidence maps, for a group of 16 species of EAGs, Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and Sandberg Bluegrass (Poa secunda).
These datasets provide early estimates of 2024 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from April to late June. Typically, the EAG estimates are publicly released within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains five fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) Field Brome (Bromus arvensis); 4) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 5) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Field Brome,
Great Basin,
Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2023 (ver. 6.0, June 2023)
These datasets provide early estimates of 2023 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from May to early July. The EAG estimates are developed typically within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains four fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a group of 16 species of EAGs, 2) cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); 3) medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and 4) Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda). These datasets were generated leveraging field observations from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) data plots; Harmonized...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Great Basin,
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel,
This dataset release provides historical (2020) estimates of fractional cover for Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) species and a native perennial bunch grass in the arid and semi-arid rangelands of the western United States. The dataset includes four fractional cover maps per year, accompanied by corresponding confidence maps, for a group of 16 species of EAGs, Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae); and Sandberg Bluegrass (Poa secunda).
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