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This map shows species richness in the study area. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users of the data may contemplate. The User is encouraged to carefully consider the content of the metadata file associated with these data. The BLM should be cited as the data source in any products derived from these data.
This dataset included the number of calculated for each 5th level HUC. CE richness was calculated for the aquatic EI by summing the number of pearl dace, the northern redbelly dace x finescale dace hybrid, paddlefish, pallid sturgeon, and sauger per 5th level watershed These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. The User is encouraged to carefully consider the content of the metadata file associated with these data.
This database contains literature citations and associated summaries pertaining to livestock grazing effects on amphibians and their habitats, with an emphasis on the Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) and other listed/sensitive wetland-breeding amphibians in the western United States. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, nor did we perform a systematic meta-analysis; rather, literature records were included based on topical relevance. *HINT: If you are looking for the database SEARCH TOOL, scroll down to 'Attached Files' and download 'Annotated_bibliography_with_search_tool.accdb.' Open the database file to enter the search form.* This data release supersedes Rowe, J.C., Pearl, C.A., Adams, M.J., and McCreary,...
This data layer represents a tested potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's Priority Resource (PR): Coastal Uplands. The suggested potential CT was Species Richness. Species Richness is one component of biodiversity, an important aspect of landscape conservation. Biodiversity is important for maintaining the balance of natural communities and ecosystems upon which humans also depend. Florida has a high level of species diversity and endemism but the state is experiencing threats to its natural heritage from a variety of sources. The data used in this analysis in addition to the Priority Resource layer is the Species Richness layer from the CLIP 4.0 geodatabase. The core layer of the geodatabase is from the...
Much of western North America is dominated by dense, monotypic, late seral stands of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.). These stands often have depauperate understories with limited species richness, diversity, and herbaceous cover. The National Park Service at Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado, is using both strategic and natural prescribed fire in Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis Beetle and Young) communi- ties to foster intra-community (α-scale) and landscape diversity. This study analyzed an accumulated foliar cover data set between paired burn and control areas on 6 different sites during the last 20 years. Across the monitoring period, mean total vegetation cover of...
This dataset provides information on fish species composition and their diet information for 16 lakes and 16 ponds at two locations on the central Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. In one table, we provide the presence of fish species and the total species count for each lake or pond sampled. This table also includes metrics of surface water connectivity to the stream network. In a second table, stomach content information is provided for fish collected during summer sampling periods (late June to mid-August) over three years (2011–2013). The third table includes stable carbon isotope and stable nitrogen isotope signature data for fish species and snails (the baseline organism) from 16 water bodies at one study location...
This data set consists of data collected during 2005-2007, 2010, and 2015 at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge in Iowa, USA that were used in the analysis in support of the article titled "Toward improving pollinator habitat: Reconstructing prairies with high forb diversity," which has been submitted to Natural Areas Journal. We compared pollinator habitat, in terms of planted forb richness, cover, and phenology, cover of planted grasses, and persistence of exotic species 10-years post-planting of reconstructions with 58 species (extra-high), 34 species (high), 20 species (medium) and 10 species (low) planted at the same time using the same fields, methods, and overall seeding rate. Twelve replicates of three...
These data were analyzed for the publication 'Accounting for sampling patterns reverses the relative importance of trade and climate for the global sharing of exotic plants': Aim: Exotic species’ distributions reflect patterns of human-mediated dispersal, species’ climatic tolerances, and a suite of other biotic and abiotic factors. The relative importance of each of these factors will shape how the spread of exotic species is affected by ongoing economic globalization and climate change. However, patterns of trade may be correlated with variation in scientific sampling effort globally, potentially confounding studies that do not account for sampling patterns. Location: Global. Methods: We used data from the Global...
This dataset provides information on the current status and various other habitat and descriptive attributes of the native coastal vegetation for seven of the main Hawaiian Islands (i.e., does not include Ni`ihau).
This dataset included the number of calculated for each 5th level HUC. CE richness was calculated for the aquatic EI by summing the number spring/summer Chinook salmon, summer steelhead, sockeye salmon, fluvial Arctic grayling, bull trout, westslope cutthroat trout, and Yellowstone cutthroat trout per 5th level watershed These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. The User is encouraged to carefully consider the content of the metadata file associated with these data.
MethodsStudy area: Our initial study area included the entire globe. We began with a seamless grid of cells with a resolution of 0.5 degrees (i.e., ~50 km at the equator). Next, we created polylines representing coastlines using SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) v4.1 global digital elevation model data at a resolution of 250 m (Reuter et al. 2007). We used these coastline polylines to identify and retain cells that intersected the coast. We excluded 192,227 cells that did not intersect the coast. To avoid cells with minimal potential coastal wetland habitat, we used the coastline data to remove an additional 1,056 coastal cells that contained less than or equal to 5% coverage of land. We also removed 176...
These data depict reptile species richness within the range of the Greater Sage-grouse. Species boundaries were defined as the total extent of a species geographic limits. This raster largely used species range data from "U.S. Geological Survey - Gap Analysis Project Species Range Maps CONUS_2001", however in order for a more complete picture of species richness, additional sources were used for species missing from the Gap Analysis program.
We studied the impacts of using cattle grazing or prescribed fire to manage remnant prairies on plant communities and soil characteristics in the prairie parkland province of western Minnesota. These datasets consist of nested frequency plot plant survey data, study site and soil characteristics, and management information taken from 73 sites owned and managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy and private land owners. Because management effects can take many years to become evident, we evaluated response variables on remnant prairies that had been subject to either fire or grazing for at least 10 years prior to our surveys, between 2005-2015.
Effects of annual additions of mineral N and P (100 kg ha-1) on plant species composition and annual aboveground net primary production (ANPP) were investigated during the first three years following disturbance in a semi-arid ecosystem. Additions of N reduced richness of perennial plant species during years 2 and 3, while P reduced the number of perennial species only in year 3. From year 1 to year 2, annual and biennial species richness declined in all treatments while ANPP of annual species increased greatly. Added N increased ANPP of annual species while it decreased ANPP of most perennial species relative to the unfertilized control treatment. Community similarities were higher for the control and native vegetation...
The Odonata fauna of the Grand Canyon ecoregion (GCE) on the southern Colorado Plateau includes 89 species (35 genera, seven families), including 49 Anisoptera species (25 genera, four families) and 40 Zygoptera species (10 genera, three families), and with 58 Odonata species in Grand Canyon (GC; 24 genera, seven families). Three biogeographic hypotheses account for this relatively high regional species richness: faunal affinity (origin), elevation effects on range, and landform impacts across spatial scale. The GCE Odonata assemblage is the result of mixing of taxa from adjacent Neotropical and Nearctic regions. Allochthonous taxa include 34.8% tropical (Mexican, Caribbean, Neotropical, or Pantropical) and 21.3%...
These data were collected by the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) to support riparian vegetation monitoring along the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and the full pool level of Lake Mead. The objectives of the GCMRC riparian vegetation monitoring program are to annually measure and summarize the status (composition and cover) of native and non-native vascular plant species within the riparian zone of the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead, assess change in the vegetation composition and cover in the riparian zone, as related to geomorphic setting and dam operations, particularly flow regime, and collect data in a manner that can be used by multiple stakeholders and is...
Tags: Arizona, Botany, Colorado River, Ecology, Geography, All tags...
This portion of the data release presents riparian plant species richness (number of unique taxa) data from plots sampled in the Elwha River estuary, Washington, in 2007 and 2014. In August 2007, we established 21 vegetation plots within the study area in a stratified random fashion, with three to five plots in five of the vegetation cover types denoted in the habitat classification maps: mixed riparian forest, willow-alder forest, riparian shrub, emergent marsh/marsh-shrub transition, and dunegrass. Each plot was 100 square meters, usually 10 m x 10 m, but in areas where the vegetation patch was narrow, plots were either 4 m x 25 m or 5 m x 20 m. We visually estimated percent cover by species of all vascular plants...
Dataset incorporates species locations, richness and valued/critical habitats that have been collected across the state of Florida by several governmental and non-governmental organizations.
All of these files are Access Databases that contain RTK elevation survey data and the corresponding vegetation surveys that were conducted concurrently. Over 2,000 intertidal plots were sampled for plant cover, frequency of occurrence, and species richness across the six study sites. Approximately 57 vascular plant species were found in the study, including grasses, rushes, forbs and sedges. Vegetated marsh ranged in elevation from approximately local mean tide level (MTL) to the marsh-upland transition zone (upland plots, defined as areas estimated to flood 1 time per year on average, were not considered for further analysis). We assessed vegetation cover and species richness concurrently with elevation surveys...
Dataset incorporates species locations and depicts species richness across the state of Florida by several governmental and non-governmental organizations (see full list below). This dataset focuses on the species that contribute to the general biodiversity of Florida’s ecosystems and are not protected nor do they have restrictions on their harvest.This raster dataset merges a variety of spatial datasets that focus on specific regions or species of Florida. Additionally, three of the datasets were separated and then recombined into larger datasets based on the species classification. This dataset depicts the biodiversity species classification from the smaller datasets. The species location datasets in this dataset...

map background search result map search result map Vegetation response to prescribed fire in Dinosaur National Monument Plant community dynamics in a semi-arid ecosystem in relation to nutrient addition following a major disturbance Tidal Marsh Vegetation and Elevation Data Climatic controls on the global distribution, abundance, and species richness of mangrove forests Riparian vegetation species richness in the Elwha River estuary, Washington, in 2007 and 2014 Hawaiian Islands Coastal Vegetation Survey 2013-2015 CU Species Richness Fish Species Composition and Diet Information in Lakes of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska, 2011-2013 Reptile Richness in the Range of the Sage-grouse, Derived From Species Range Maps Biodiversity (‘non-game’) Species - Florida Marine Conservation Blueprint (Version 1; 2019) Marine Blueprint v1 BLM REA MIR 2011 Aquatic Ecological Intactness CE Species Richness BLM REA NWP 2011 Aquatic Ecological Intactness CE Species Richness BLM REA SLV 2013 Species Richness Management of remnant tallgrass prairie by grazing or fire in western Minnesota, 2016-2017 High forb diversity prairie reconstruction at Neal Smith NWR 2005-2015 Riparian vegetation data downstream of Glen Canyon Dam in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park, AZ from 2014 to 2019 Riparian vegetation species richness in the Elwha River estuary, Washington, in 2007 and 2014 High forb diversity prairie reconstruction at Neal Smith NWR 2005-2015 Riparian vegetation data downstream of Glen Canyon Dam in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park, AZ from 2014 to 2019 Management of remnant tallgrass prairie by grazing or fire in western Minnesota, 2016-2017 Hawaiian Islands Coastal Vegetation Survey 2013-2015 BLM REA SLV 2013 Species Richness CU Species Richness Tidal Marsh Vegetation and Elevation Data Biodiversity (‘non-game’) Species - Florida Marine Conservation Blueprint (Version 1; 2019) Marine Blueprint v1 BLM REA MIR 2011 Aquatic Ecological Intactness CE Species Richness BLM REA NWP 2011 Aquatic Ecological Intactness CE Species Richness Reptile Richness in the Range of the Sage-grouse, Derived From Species Range Maps Climatic controls on the global distribution, abundance, and species richness of mangrove forests