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From August 2018 to October 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey collected spatially high-resolution water quality data as part of five shoreline synoptic surveys around the perimeters of Owasco, Seneca, and Skaneateles Lakes within the Finger Lakes Region of New York. Water-quality data were collected just below water surface utilizing YSI EXO2 multiparameter sondes and portable nitrate sensors paired with real-time GPS data as part of a HABs monitoring program in the Finger Lakes. In October 2019, water-quality data collection was paired with discrete phytoplankton grab samples on Owasco Lake and Seneca Lake. Phytoplankton grab samples were collected just below water surface with a peristaltic pump at twelve locations...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Aquatic Biology, Contaminants, HABS, Finger Lakes, Limnology, New York, All tags...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains the data used in the USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5053 entitled "An exploratory Bayesian network for estimating the magnitudes and uncertainties of selected water-quality parameters at streamgage 03374100 White River at Hazleton, Indiana, from partially observed data." The four datasets, which contain only ASCII characters in a column-oriented format, are: (1) sel_qw_parm_full_time_series.csv: A comma-delimited file containing an irregular time series of 713 rows of discrete water-quality measurements that start on February 21, 1973 and end on September 14, 2016. (2) baye_network_initialize.cas: This tab-delimited file can be used to initialize...
Three regression models were developed for describing variability of host-specific flux data in eight Great Lakes tributaries. Models include one for Lachnospiraceae flux, one for human bacteroides flux, and one for ruminant bacteroides flux. Models were developed using the R project for statistical computing with core functionality and the survival, smwrBase, and smwrQW packages. Predictor variables for these models are included in the data file and input files provided. These include sampling dates and times, rainfall depth, percent of watershed underlain by tile drainage, cattle population (for the ruminant marker model) and human population (for the human marker models). Sample collection and laboratory analyses...
This dataset includes pesticides and pesticide transformation products in 15 tributaries of the Great Lakes. Pesticides were monitored using polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) to estimate concentrations in water following standard protocols (Alvarez, 2010) in June and July 2016. POCIS extracts were analyzed for 225 chemicals (USGS National Water Quality Laboratory schedule 5437, Sandstrom and others, 2016), for which 129 chemicals also have POCIS uptake rates, allowing calculations of time-weighted mean concentration over the approximately 30 day deployment (Alvarez and others, 2008). Collectively, there were 97 chemicals detected, and time-weighted mean concentrations could be calculated for 95...
This dataset describes the quantity, morphology, and polymer identity of microplastics in the water column and surficial sediments of Milwaukee-Area streams, the Milwaukee Harbor, and Lake Michigan (Wisconsin). Water samples were collected at 10 locations, 2-4 times each, from May to September, 2016. At the 4 shallowest locations, water was collected only at the water surface. At the remaining 6 locations, water was collected at the water surface and at 1-4 depths below the surface. Sediment samples were collected once, in June 2016, at a subset of 9 locations. Sampling and analysis methods are described in the Processing Steps section of the metadata. These data are interpreted in the following journal article:...
Measurements of suspended sediment concentration, water velocity, suspended-sediment particle size, and suspended-sediment particle settling velocity were collected to estimate suspended-sediment flux and investigate sediment transport processes at Dumbarton Bridge in San Francisco Bay (NWIS station 373015122071000) from calendar year 2018 to 2019. Data were collected using: stationary and boat-mounted acoustic Doppler current meters (ADCP, a 1 MHz Nortek Aquadopp and a 1200kHz Teledyne RiverPro, respectively), four stationary and one profiling multiparameter water quality profiling sondes (YSI 6920), a stationary acoustic backscattering sensor (ABS, Sequoia LISST-ABS), a stationary laser diffraction particle size...
To better understand the influence of human activities and natural processes on surface-water quality, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed the SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes) (Schwarz and others, 2006; Alexander and others, 2008) model. The framework is used to relate water-quality monitoring data to sources and watershed characteristics that affect the fate and transport of constituents to receiving surface-water bodies. The core of the model consists of using a nonlinear-regression equation to describe the non-conservative transport of contaminants from point and nonpoint sources on land to rivers, lakes and estuaries through the stream and river network. In North Carolina,...
Freshwater salinization is an emerging issue for freshwater environments in the Chesapeake Bay, USA region. Salinization is often described by measurements of specific conductance (SC). This data release contains specific conductance observations collected by multiple regional agencies for streams within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. This inventory compiles and harmonizes data from the Water Quality Portal (WQP), which is a data repository developed by the National Water Quality Monitoring Council and supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Geological Survey, and the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (NWIS). Both discrete measures of SC, which are single measures taken...
This data set contains historical data on concentrations of total and dissolved organic carbon in Massachusetts streams from the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (NWIS) database. The data were compiled from NWIS using site and sample selection criteria to retrieve all publicly available data from surface-water samples that contained analysis of both total and dissolved organic carbon. The data set was screened, as much as possible from the site and sample description information in NWIS, to retain only routine environmental samples from stream sites. The final data set consists of 223 samples from 52 sites and were collected from 1978 to 2007.
This dataset includes all of the variables that were used in predictive models to estimate nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use from commercial fertilizer sales data at the catchment/county level for the Conterminous U.S. for the year 2012. The dataset includes model input at the catchment/county level. A companion USGS Scientific Investigations Report describes the methods and subsequent results of two models developed for estimating elemental nitrogen and phosphorus commercial fertilizer use on agricultural lands for the conterminous US at the catchment/county scale for the year 2012. A companion data release provides catchment-level estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use, for agricultural lands,...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) monitors water surface flow reversals, commercial vessel traffic, and temperature and specific conductance in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Electric Dispersal Barrier System (EDBS) on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago, Illinois. These data are planned to be released on USGS ScienceBase annually. This data release is the summary of all the data collected during water year 2019 (October 1, 2018, to September 30, 2019). Meyers and others (2019) describe all the data collected during October 1, 2018, to September 30, 2019. Water surface flow reversals at the EDBS are monitored using surface velocity radar. Commercial vessel traffic patterns through the EDBS are documented...
Nutrient and phytoplankton data indicate poor environmental health in four oxbow lakes in central Louisiana suggesting that long-term agriculture practices and increases in shoreline development have accelerated eutrophication. Surface-water quality and phytoplankton indicators of eutrophication were examined at Lake Bruin, Lake St. John, Lake St. Joseph, and False River Lake along an eutrophication gradient. These oxbow lakes are cut-off meanders of the Mississippi River that do not receive overbank flow from the river due to the levee system built in the early twentieth century. Oxbows have formed at various times in the last few hundred years as the Mississippi River carves a more efficient hydrologic route to...
This U.S. Geological Survey data release presents tabular data on nitrogen concentrations and loads for multiple nitrogen species, and river discharge data used in the analysis of data collected from October 1994 to September 2016. Data on flow and nitrogen concentrations were analyzed using the USGS EGRET R package, and the method of WRTDS (Weighted Regression on Time Discharge and Season). Data and outputs summarized are for water-quality data collected from 18 water-quality monitoring stations in the Long Island Sound watershed. Specific data in tabular format for this release include: calculated annual nitrogen concentration and loads, calculated annual flow-normalized nitrogen concentrations and loads by water...
As part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) project template 774-18 entitled “Development of monitoring and response methodologies, and implementation of an Adaptive Management Framework to work towards Eradication of Grass Carp in Lake Erie” an integrated bathymetric/hydrodynamic/water-quality survey of the Maumee River (Ohio) was completed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the summer of 2019. These data were collected to inform the development of a one-dimensional hydraulic model and associated Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator (FluEgg) model of the Maumee River downstream from Defiance, Ohio. The data contained in this data release were collected by the USGS Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Water Science Center...
Data were collected at 19 groundwater monitoring wells and 3 surface water locations across McHenry County, Illinois, in 2020 by staff from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Central Midwest Water Science Center. Quality control samples (2 blanks and 1 replicate) were also collected to assess data reliability and precision. Samples were submitted to the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory in Denver, Colorado, and analyzed for per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) substances in late 2022 and results provided in April of 2023. PFAS were detected in 16 of the 19 groundwater monitoring wells and in all 3 surface water sites sampled.
Water-quality data were collected by the Providence Water Supply Board (PWSB) from tributaries in the Scituate Reservoir drainage area, October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2022 (water years 2018 through 2022). Water-quality samples were collected by the PWSB either monthly or quarterly at fixed stations on 38 tributaries in the Scituate Reservoir drainage area, Rhode Island. These data were used to calculate instantaneous loads and yields of constituents in reports by the U.S. Geological Survey. Water-quality samples were collected following a strict sampling schedule so that water-quality samples would be representative of various weather conditions. Samples were analyzed at the PWSB water-quality laboratory...
The Skykomish, Snoqualmie, and Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Basins have historically provided critical spawning, rearing, and core habitat for several salmonid species. These salmonid species include natural populations of Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha), steelhead trout (O. mykiss), and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus)—listed as “Threatened” under the Endangered Species Act—as well as coho salmon (O. kisutch)—listed as a ”Species of concern”—pink salmon (O. gorbuscha), chum salmon (O. keta), and native char (S. malma) (Solomon and Boles, 2002; Stohr and others, 2011; Svrjcek and others, 2013; Snohomish County Surface Water Management and the Sustainable Lands Strategy Executive Committee [SWM], 2017; U.S. Fish...
This product consists of one tabular dataset and associated metadata of water quality information related to rivers, streams, and reservoirs in the Upper Mississippi River watershed between 2012 and 2016. This data release is a part of a national assessment of freshwater aquatic carbon fluxes. Data consist of organic and inorganic carbon related species, carbon dioxide and methane gas fluxes calculated from manual chamber measurements, nitrogen species, carbon isotopes, oxygen isotopes, cations, anions, trace metals, and various in situ measurements including: pH, water temperature, air temperature, barometric pressure, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, fluorescent dissolved organic matter, and specific conductance....
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Carbon, Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (fDOM), Minnesota, Shingobee, Shingobee Headwaters Aquatic Ecosystems Project, All tags...
The Willamette Valley Project (WVP) is a system of revetments, fish hatcheries, and 13 dams in the Willamette Basin of northwestern Oregon that is operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide flood risk management, irrigation, power generation, water quality improvement, and recreational opportunities, among other authorized purposes. By reducing available habitat and altering the natural hydrologic and thermal regimes in the Willamette Basin, the WVP has negatively influenced native populations of anadromous fish, including spring-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and winter-run steelhead (O. mykiss), which were designated as threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Public Law...
This dataset summarizes impairment status for HUC12 watersheds at the CONUS scale using the EPA publicly available Assessment, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Tracking and Implementation System (ATTAINS) geospatial package and the USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD). ATTAINS is an online system maintained by the EPA containing information about the condition of the Nation’s surface waters, as reported by individual states. These data were downloaded in October 2023 and primarily reflect 2022 stream conditions. Because of the varying data types that exist in the database, an independent methodology was developed for summarizing impairment status for HUC12 watersheds using the USGS WBD as detailed in this metadata...

map background search result map search result map Regression models and associated data for describing variability of host specific bacteria fluxes in eight Great Lakes tributaries, 2011-2013 Water quality, quantity, and gas fluxes of the Upper Mississippi River basin (WY 2012-2016) Lake St. John Datasets to reproduce the exploratory Bayesian network developed in USGS SIR 2018-5053 for estimating water-quality parameters at streamgage 03374100 White River at Hazleton, Indiana, 1973-2016 Dataset used for estimating catchment-level nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use from commercial fertilizer sales data for the Conterminous U.S., 2012 SPARROW model dataset for total suspended solids in North Carolina, including simulated stream loads Microplastics in the water column and sediment in Milwaukee-Area streams, the Milwaukee Harbor, and Lake Michigan, 2016 Nitrogen concentrations and loads and seasonal nitrogen loads in selected Long Island Sound tributaries, water years 1995-2016 Sediment Concentration, Water Velocity, and Suspended Particle Size and Settling Data to Estimate Estuarine Sediment Flux at Dumbarton Bridge, San Francisco Bay, CA from 2018 - 2019 Total and Dissolved Organic Carbon Data to Support Implementation of Revised Freshwater Aluminum Water-Quality Criteria in Massachusetts Water-quality data from the Providence Water Supply Board for tributary streams to the Scituate Reservoir (ver. 3.0, November 2023) High-resolution spatial water-quality and discrete phytoplankton data, Owasco Lake, Seneca Lake, and Skaneateles Lake, Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2018-2019 Pesticides and pesticide transformation product data from passive samplers deployed in 15 Great Lakes tributaries, 2016 CE-QUAL-W2 models for select U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reservoirs in the Willamette Valley Project and an inter-reservoir reach of the Middle Fork Willamette River, northwestern Oregon, 2011, 2015, and 2016 Velocity and Water-Quality Data for the Maumee River Between Defiance and Toledo, Ohio, 2019 Compilation of multi-agency specific conductance observations for streams within the Chesapeake Bay watershed Water Temperature Mapping of the Skykomish, Snoqualmie, and Middle Fork Snoqualmie Rivers, Washington—Longitudinal Stream Temperature Profiles, Significant Thermal Features, and Airborne Thermal Infrared and RGB Imagery Mosaics Reconnaissance of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Selected Groundwater and Surface Water Sites in McHenry County, Illinois, 2020 EPA Impaired Waters presence and causes for HUC12 watersheds across the Conterminous U.S. Monitoring Data to Support the Operation of the Electric Dispersal Barrier System on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal at Romeoville, Illinois, October 1, 2018, to September 30, 2019 Monitoring Data to Support the Operation of the Electric Dispersal Barrier System on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal at Romeoville, Illinois, October 1, 2018, to September 30, 2019 Sediment Concentration, Water Velocity, and Suspended Particle Size and Settling Data to Estimate Estuarine Sediment Flux at Dumbarton Bridge, San Francisco Bay, CA from 2018 - 2019 Water-quality data from the Providence Water Supply Board for tributary streams to the Scituate Reservoir (ver. 3.0, November 2023) Lake St. John Water Temperature Mapping of the Skykomish, Snoqualmie, and Middle Fork Snoqualmie Rivers, Washington—Longitudinal Stream Temperature Profiles, Significant Thermal Features, and Airborne Thermal Infrared and RGB Imagery Mosaics Velocity and Water-Quality Data for the Maumee River Between Defiance and Toledo, Ohio, 2019 Microplastics in the water column and sediment in Milwaukee-Area streams, the Milwaukee Harbor, and Lake Michigan, 2016 Reconnaissance of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Selected Groundwater and Surface Water Sites in McHenry County, Illinois, 2020 High-resolution spatial water-quality and discrete phytoplankton data, Owasco Lake, Seneca Lake, and Skaneateles Lake, Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2018-2019 CE-QUAL-W2 models for select U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reservoirs in the Willamette Valley Project and an inter-reservoir reach of the Middle Fork Willamette River, northwestern Oregon, 2011, 2015, and 2016 Nitrogen concentrations and loads and seasonal nitrogen loads in selected Long Island Sound tributaries, water years 1995-2016 Total and Dissolved Organic Carbon Data to Support Implementation of Revised Freshwater Aluminum Water-Quality Criteria in Massachusetts Datasets to reproduce the exploratory Bayesian network developed in USGS SIR 2018-5053 for estimating water-quality parameters at streamgage 03374100 White River at Hazleton, Indiana, 1973-2016 Compilation of multi-agency specific conductance observations for streams within the Chesapeake Bay watershed SPARROW model dataset for total suspended solids in North Carolina, including simulated stream loads Regression models and associated data for describing variability of host specific bacteria fluxes in eight Great Lakes tributaries, 2011-2013 Water quality, quantity, and gas fluxes of the Upper Mississippi River basin (WY 2012-2016) Pesticides and pesticide transformation product data from passive samplers deployed in 15 Great Lakes tributaries, 2016 Dataset used for estimating catchment-level nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use from commercial fertilizer sales data for the Conterminous U.S., 2012 EPA Impaired Waters presence and causes for HUC12 watersheds across the Conterminous U.S.