Research Wildlife Biologist
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8711 37Th Street SE
, ND
Waterbirds breeding at wetlands in North Dakota forage mostly on aquatic invertebrates. Historically, productivity and abundance of aquatic invertebrates primarily was driven by inter-annual hydrological dynamics (i.e., wet-dry cycles). Wetland drying allows for nutrient cycling and a subsequent pulse of productivity when wet conditions return. However, abundance and quality of wetlands in North Dakota has declined due to landscape modifications, primarily agriculture. Consolidation drainage, a practice of draining less permanent wetlands into larger more permanent ones, is common in North Dakota and it increases connectivity and stabilizes water levels among remaining wetlands. For the effective management and...
Lake Sakakawea is a large (404,810 ac [163,800 ha]) reservoir located on the Missouri River in northwestern and central North Dakota, which recently was designated a high priority area for endangered species management. The reservoir shoreline is irregular, dissected, and consists of a wide variety of substrates, slopes, and aspects. The extent, distribution, and abundance of these features vary annually as lake elevation changes in response to precipitation, melt of Rocky Mountain snowpack, and releases from Garrison and Fort Peck dams. Water levels on Lake Sakakawea have declined over the past decade due to extended drought conditions; in 2005 they reached a record low since the initial flooding of the reservoir....
We present two tabular data sets representing values to estimate apparent natal and adult survival and transition probabilities between breeding location states used in a multievent capture-mark-resight model for piping plover adults and hatch year birds in the Northern Great Plains from 2014-2019 focusing on four study areas: U.S. Alkali Wetlands (ALK), Lake Sakakawea (SAK), Garrison Reach of the Missouri River (GRR), and Lake Oahe (OAH). In addition, several covariates were included representing habitat and social variables.
Tags: Lake Oahe,
Lake Sakakawea,
Missouri Coteau,
Missouri River,
Nests, All tags...
North Dakota,
Population ecology,
South Dakota,
Wading birds,
dispersal (organisms),
endangered species,
population and community ecology,
river systems,
wildlife population management, Fewer tags
This data is a companion to the manuscript titled "Data integration reveals dynamic and systematic patterns of breeding habitat use by a threatened shorebird". Advances in both remote sensing and analytical tools for spatial data have allowed for the integration of dynamic processes into species distribution models. We developed a spatiotemporal model of breeding habitat use and density for a federally threatened shorebird (piping plover, Charadrius melodus) by integrating a 20-year (2000 – 2019) nesting dataset with opportunistic, volunteer collected (eBird), sightings. Piping plovers are an ideal candidate for dynamic habitat models because this species depends on habitat created and maintained by highly variable...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Ecology,
North Dakota,
Shorebird, All tags...
South Dakota,
Species distribution,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Wildlife Biology,
endangered species,
wildlife species management, Fewer tags
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