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Edward E Little

Description of Work Initial tests of a variety of chemical stimuli identified a strong response to the algal food attractant. Field testing of chemical stimulants based on algae will seek to identify potent mixtures based on persistence and duration of attraction. These studies will include consideration of component chemicals such as amino acids produced by algae that enhance the attractiveness of the stimulus, based on carp smell and taste senses. Means of providing a sustained release of the stimulant will be explored through tests of various media. Tests will be conducted to confirm the possibility that carp can be conditioned to feeding stations that can be used to facilitate their capture. Relevance & Impact...
Description of Work USEPA Region 5 previously funded a study in 2011 evaluating the toxicity of nitrogen compounds to a select number of pond-dwelling amphibians. The objective of this new study will be to determine the toxicity of nitrogen compounds to stream-dwelling amphibians. Nitrogen contamination in aquatic systems results from the decomposition of organic matter, as well as through agricultural inputs, sewage effluents and industrial activities. Nitrogen in its various forms is of ecological concern because of its ubiquitous distribution and toxicity to aquatic life. Nitrogen compounds pose a hazard to aquatic larval stages of amphibians, affecting survival and development, and inducing deformities and behavioral...
Dust suppressants and soil stabilizer products are applied to unpaved roads worldwide to reduce dust production and stabilize road surfaces. Although these products may enter roadside surface water through runoff or leaching, little information is available on environmental fate or aquatic toxicity. The data reported here include the acute toxicity of 27 dust suppressant/soil stabilizer products to juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and the acute toxicity of selected products to fatmucket mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea), virile crayfish (Faxonius virilis), pond snails (Lymnaea stagnalis), and larval gray treefrogs (Dryophytes versicolor). Selected products were also tested after exposure to simulated weathering...
Description of Work Determine the relative sensitivity of two species of amphibians (i.e. Wood Frogs Rana sylvatica, Cricket Frogs Acris crepitans blanchardi, American Toad Bufo americana) to exposure to acute and chronic levels of nitrate, nitrite and ammonia. This data will be used to evaluate the current ammonia criteria and for possible inclusion in the development of criteria for nitrite and nitrate.
Description of Work The work completed for this template will provide the following information: 1) Generate acute and chronic toxicity data for freshwater mussels and snails to enhance the protection of listed/endangered species in the GL basin; 2) Refine methods and conduct acute and chronic toxicity tests on amphibians; 3) Develop and test methods for conducting chronic toxicity tests for mayflies.
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