The Wyoming State Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) was produced to provide a long-range conservation plan to conserve Wyoming’s Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and meet the requirements of the Congressionally-authorized State Wildlife Grants (SWG) Program. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) served as the lead agency in the development of this strategy, but many other partners and major stakeholders were invited to participate. The CWCS identifies 279 SGCN in Wyoming, along with key habitats for these species. Of these species, 44 have been included because of specific known conservation needs. The remaining 235 have been included primarily due to a lack of key data necessary to assess their conservation status. Key habitats for these species have been identified. Threats or challenges are identified, and the proposed actions to conserve the SGCN and their associated habitats are addressed. Monitoring measures are also identified. This strategy will guide conservation decisions in Wyoming for the next five years. It will be updated in 2010. A broad range of stakeholders reviewed the CWCS and their comments were incorporated. A total of seven public meetings were held in Wyoming to present the CWCS, and extensive outreach efforts were designed to inform the public of its development and to encourage their participation in the process.