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Application and Feasibility of Mapping Aspen Stands and Conifer Encroachment Using Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Analysis for Effectiveness Monitoring


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Restoration and maintenance of aspen communities is a BLM priority in the Little Mountain Ecosystem, and the USGS has been working with the BLM and the WGFD to monitor aspen stands in that area as part of its WLCI Effectiveness Monitoring work. LANDFIRE and ReGAP maps are considered the best spatial products for representing aspen distribution at regional and landscape scales; however, these products were not designed to support decisions at localized scales, such as that of the Little Mountain Ecosystem. In 2010, this study filled a critical information gap with production of a model (fine-scale map) that delineates aspen distribution for the Little Mountain Ecosystem. To accomplish this, we used classification and regression tree [...]


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  • Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative

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Information derived from USGS Science for WLCI Annual Reports.

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  • Using CART Analysis for Effectiveness Monitoring

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