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Development of Regional Curves Relating Bankfull-Channel Geometry and Discharge to Drainage Area for the Rocky Mountain Hydrologic Region in Wyoming


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Regional curves are statistical models (one-variable, ordinary least-squares regressions) that relate bankfull discharge, bankfull cross-sectional area, bankfull width, and bankfull mean depth of streams to drainage area in settings that are expected to have similar runoff characteristics. Equations describing the regional curves can be used to estimate the discharge and dimensions of the bankfull channel when the drainage area of the watershed is known. These equations are useful for identifying the bankfull channel in areas with similar runoff characteristics. Regional curves also are used to determine channel departure from reference conditions and to plan stream restoration when using Natural Channel Design techniques (Rosgen, [...]


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Contact :
Michael J Sweat

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  • Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative



Information derived from USGS Science for WLCI Annual Reports.

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Alternate Titles

  • Developing Regional Hydraulic Curves

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