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Species Assessment for Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella Breweri) in Wyoming


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The Brewer’s Sparrow (Spizella breweri) has significantly declined throughout its breeding range in the last 25 years (Ashley and Stoval 2004). Despite being thought of by many as the most common bird in spring and summer in shrubsteppe habitat, the Brewer’s Sparrow has been given special conservation status in several western states, including Wyoming (Knick and Rotenberry 2000). Habitat fragmentation and other processes threaten Brewer’s Sparrow populations in several ways. In this report, shrubsteppe is defined as habitat with a “…codominance of sagebrush [Artemesia spp.] and native bunch grass and moderate shrub cover” (B. Walker, personal communication). This report reviews key published literature, identifies experts [...]


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WyNDD_2004_Brewers_Sparrow_Assessment.pdf 778.1 KB application/pdf


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  • Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative


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