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Land use change in a biofuels hotspot: The case of Iowa, USA




Secchi, S., Kurkalova, L., Gassman, P.W., and Hart, C., 2010, Land use change in a biofuels hotspot: The case of Iowa, USA: Biomass and Bioenergy.


The subsurface injection of fluid (water, gas, vapour) occurs worldwide for a variety of purposes, e.g. to enhance oil production (EOR), store gas in depleted gas/oil fields, recharge overdrafted aquifer systems (ASR), and mitigate anthropogenic land subsidence. Irrespective of the injection target, some areas have experienced an observed land uplift ranging from a few millimetres to tens of centimetres over a time period of a few months to several years depending on the quantity and spatial distribution of the fluid used, pore pressure increase, geological setting (depth, thickness, and area extent), and hydro-geomechanical properties of the injected formation. The present paper reviews the fundamental geomechanical processes that [...]


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