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Panorama with image 841. C.M. & St. P. Railway cut five miles east of Delmar Junction, north side of cut.


Date Taken


Panorama with image 841. C.M. & St. P. Railway cut five miles east of Delmar Junction, north side of cut. 1. Buff loess, leached 10+/- feet - 5-15 feet; 2. Red-brown to rusty buff Kansan till leached 6-7 feet - 15-18 feet; 3. Dense, dark, gray, calcareous Kansan till, rusty along joints - 6+/- feet; 4. Aftotnian gravel and sand, cross-bedded partly clean gray, partly orange to brown, cemented with lime at top - 3-10 feet; 5. Dense, slate-colored, jointed, calcareous pre-Kansan till, upper 1-foot lighter gray, much included wood - 8-12 feet; 6. In part of the section, gray sand and glacial gravel - 3 feet; 7. Slate- colored, fine, laminated, calcareous silt, much disturbed at top by overriding of glacier, much wood included - a few [...]


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Photographer :
Alden, William Clinton

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Type Scheme Key
name photoLibrary awc00842
number photoLibrary 1091
batch photoLibrary btch479
number_in_book photoLibrary 842

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