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Glaciers at the head of Luna Creek in Picket Range. North Cascades National Park, Washington. 1960.


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North Cascades National Park, Washington. Glaciers at the head of Luna Creek in Picket Range. This complex of ice patches illustrates the difficulty of counting and classifying individual glaciers. A glacier fed by ice avalanches ends in Luna Lake on the left. Avalanches from the large irregular hanging glacier that clings to the cliffs feed the debris-covered ice upslope from another lake (foreground, right center). A small ice patch fed by snow avalanches lies at the base of the cliffs in right center. September 27, 1960. Plate 3-D, U.S. Geological Survey Professional paper 705-A. 1971.


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Photographer :
Post, Austin

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name photoLibrary post0004
number photoLibrary 28725
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