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Remnants of an alluvial terrace on the south side of Copper Canyon, near Ray; the town in the distance is Sonora, the Mexican settlement of the district, Barcelona, the Spanish settlement and Vitoria, a temporary Apache camp, are shown on the terrace. Pinal County, Arizona. 1910.


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Remnants of an alluvial terrace on the south side of Copper Canyon, near Ray; the town in the distance is Sonora, the Mexican settlement of the district, Barcelona, the Spanish settlement and Vitoria, a temporary Apache camp, are shown on the terrace. Pinal County, Arizona. 1910. Plate 27-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 115. 1919.


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name photoLibrary rfl00811
number photoLibrary 29654
batch photoLibrary btch261
number_in_book photoLibrary 811

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