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Form a panorama of Dry Fork valley from a little knoll on the southwest margin of the valley, Slug Creek quadrangle; former outlet; young valley of Blackfoot cycle, which now drains it. Idaho. Circa 1911.


Date Taken


Form a panorama of Dry Fork valley from a little knoll on the southwest margin of the valley, Slug Creek quadrangle; former outlet; young valley of Blackfoot cycle, which now drains it. Caribou County, Idaho. Circa 1911. Plate 13-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 152. 1927.


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Photographer :
Richards, Ralph Webster

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Type Scheme Key
name photoLibrary rrw00180
number photoLibrary 29919
batch photoLibrary btch269
number_in_book photoLibrary 180

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