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Coastal Temperate Rain Forest of Western North America - Original Distribution


This dataset represents the probable original (prior to European settlement) distribution of the coastal temperate rain forest of western North America. Excerpt from "The Rain Forests of Home: An Atlas of People and Place. Part 1: Natural Forests and Native Languages of the Coastal Temperate Rainforest" (p. 11): Different methods were used throughout the range of coastal temperate rain forest to delineate probable original extent, depending on information availability. For British Columbia, the coastal western hemlock zone from the Ministry of Forest's biogeoclimatic zone classification was used to determine the temperate rain forest zone. The coast redwood zone was also mapped, based on a data layer of vegetation cover types [...]


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Coastal Temperate Rain Forest of Western North America - Original Distribution.xml
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7.13 KB application/fgdc+xml


The purpose of this dataset is to represent the original distribution of the coastal temperate rainforest.



  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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