This project sought to incorporate land-use land-cover time series data into the Geo Data Portal web service infrastructure. Till now, the Geo Data Portal has been used for relatively low spatial resolution downscaled climate data. Data from the EPA’s Integrated Climate and Land Use Scenarios was incorporated into a web service compatible with the Geo Data Portal and is now hosted in the Geo Data Portal catalog. Great progress was made in establishing connections between the Land-Processes Distributed Active Archive Center’s (LP-DAAC) holdings of MODIS satellite derived land cover data. At this time, the data is only available on development servers, but many issues were fixed and close partners are using the integration to access MODIS data at greatly reduced project cost. The Geo Data Portal web-user interface was reworked to ease discovery and use of the higher-resolution land use data. This was completed in November 2013, and has been used successfully on the production Geo Data Portal ( since. Services for land use land cover projections from a model run at the South East Climate Science Center were prototyped and will also be available in production from the Geo Data Portal soon.
This project enhances core aspects of the CDI Science Support Framework; it integrates data from partner agencies into a system that enhances discoverability and accessibility for all users of these important data.
Principal Investigator : David L Blodgett, Meredith Warren
Cooperator/Partner : Thomas C Kunicki, Jordan I Walker, Jennifer LaVista, Philip Morefield, Jaime Collazo, Lauren E Hay, Gary L Rowe, Tom Sohre, Emily M Fort
- New data delivery mechanisms for land use land cover data decreasing the burden on scientists who need these data for their work.
- Enhanced discoverability and usability of the Geo Data Portal web interface.
- Greatly contributed to the body of research that is the Geo Data Portal and related big-data web service technologies.
- Web service access to EPA Integrated Climate and Land Use Scenarios via the THREDDS data server.
- A new and improved Geo Data Portal user interface to support the needs of land use land cover data.
Note: this description is from the FY13 Annual Report