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Seasonal distribution and habitat use patterns of elk in the Jack Morrow Hills Planning Area


Publication Date


Nielson, Ryan, 2005, Seasonal distribution and habitat use patterns of elk in the Jack Morrow Hills Planning Area: Technical Report, Cheyenne, Wyoming: Western Ecosystems Technology, Inc., 2005.


Conclusions: Elk consistently selected for big basin sagebrush, greasewood, and tree cover; and consistently selected against Wyoming sagebrush, mixed shrub, and bare ground/sand. Selection patterns were similar during the winter, except big basin sagebrush and mixed shrubs were selected in proportion to their availability. Elk tend to prefer areas characterized by edge habitat where quality forage and cover habitats are in close proximity to one another. Thresholds/Learnings: Elk use was highest in summer in areas characterized by diverse habitats and >2800m away from major roads. High use areas during winter were similar, although elk tended to use areas slightly closer to roads (>2100m away), which is largely attributed to reduced [...]


author :
Nielson, Ryan
(other) :
Hall Sawyer

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Added to ScienceBase on Thu Feb 20 15:25:46 UTC 2014 by processing file <b>LandscapePattern_Database_5_9_AMENDED_MattsBibEdits_v2.xlsx</b>; Amended by Sean Finn, 1/6/15.
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Landscape Patterns Catalog
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Type Scheme Key
LCPID SourceID 51

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citationTypeGrey Literature
journalTechnical Report, Cheyenne, Wyoming: Western Ecosystems Technology, Inc., 2005

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