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Toxicity of Organic Chemicals in Mussels


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Description of Work The sensitivity of various species of freshwater mussels (Unioidea) to range of inorganic and organic chemicals has been evaluated in acute toxicity tests and the sensitivity of freshwater mussels to a range of inorganic chemicals has been evaluated in chronic toxicity tests. However, the chronic toxicity of organic chemicals has only been evaluated with a limited number of mussel species or for a limited number of organic chemicals. The objective of this study will be to evaluate methods for conducting 90-d water only exposures with juvenile mussels and conducted chronic 28-d toxicity tests with at least organic chemicals of concern and two commonly tested species of mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea, fatmucket and [...]


Principal Investigator :
Christopher G Ingersoll
Associate Project Chief :
Rip S Shively
Lead Organization :
Columbia Environmental Research Center

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Direct questions and requests to the Principle Investigator. 


Results of this study will provide additional mussel toxicity data for organic chemicals of concern and will provide data that can be used to determine mussel acute-chronic toxicity ratios for select organic chemicals of concern that might be useful for the USEPA or states to develop or refine water quality criteria or standards for these organic chemicals of concern.

Project Extension

projectStatusIn Progress

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