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Impacts of 1993 floods on the Upper Mississippi and Missouri River Basins in the USA


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The 1993 Flood on the Upper Mississippi and Missouri Rivers is now considered the largest flooding event on these river basins. Not only were many miles of the rivers flooded, but there was also a significant amount of flooding to the interior of the country. More than 420 counties in all the midwestern states were declared disaster areas. Stages were exceeded many locations, hundreds of levees either failed or were overtopped, more than 500 scour holes developed, the rivers scoured their beds at numerous locations, sediments were deposited at many other locations, and the rivers attempted to create new channels and/or cutoffs during the peak periods. This paper is not intended to summarize the various factors associated with this [...]


(other) :
Bhowmik, N.G.

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  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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Pages 127-154 in the Proceedings of the International Joint Seminar on Reduction of Natural and Environmental Disasters in Water Environment, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, July 18-21, 1995. Reprinted by the National Biological Service, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, Wisconsin

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