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Exploring nearshore-offshore linkages in energy transfer within Great Lakes food webs: implications for fish production in Lake Michigan in support of CSMI 2015


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Description of Work Since the early 2000s, the LaMP has proposed adding nutrients (specifically phosphorus) to its “pollutant of concern” list, given that excessive nutrients were believed to cause impairments in the nearshore waters. Since that time, scientists have highlighted the “shunting” of nutrients to the nearshore, owing to the ability of invasive dreissenid mussels to capture some portion of allochthanous phosphorus that enters the lake through tributaries. These changes are believed to underlie a series of changes in the nearshore, including increased biomass of cladophora and hypothesized increases in benthic and pelagic biomass, including zooplankton and fish. As an extension, this model proposes the offshore is receiving [...]


Principal Investigator :
David Bunnell
Associate Project Chief :
Russell M Strach
Lead Organization :
Great Lakes Science Center
Cooperator/Partner :
David M Warner

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To better understand energy transfer from tributaries to the offshore, and the effects of invasive species on reducing energy to offshore fish species. In support of the Lake Michigan LaMP, the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Fish Community Objectives.

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projectStatusIn Progress

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