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2015 Proposal: Applying GNLCC Science to Coordinated Climate Change Adaptation for a Suite of Conservation Targets Across the Crown of the Continent

2015 Proposal




The Crown Managers Partnership (CMP) is linking managers, researchers, conservation organizations and regional partnerships to implement a suite of coordinated climate adaptation projects across the transboundary Crown of the Continent Ecosystem (CCE). We are proposing to coordinate and implement separate jurisdictional actions that align to contribute to landscape-­‐scale out-­‐comes. Our Climate Change Adaptation Targets include native salmonids, aquatic invasive species (AIS), terrestrial invasive weeds and whitebark pine. Together with its partners, the CMP is using GNLCC-­‐supported science and Rocky Mountain Partner Forum (RMPF) decision-­‐support tools to identify and prioritize climate change adaptation strategies and tactics [...]


Project Chief :
Erin Sexton

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cmp_gnlcc_2015_proposal_.pdf 213.63 KB application/pdf


  • Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal


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Crown Managers Partnership, University of Montana Institute on Ecosystems, Crown of the Continent Conservation Initiative, University of Calgary, USDA Forest Service Region 1, The Wilderness Society, The Flathead Basin Commission, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development

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