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Final Memo: Synthesis of climate model downscaling products for the southeastern United States




Ryan Boyles, Final Memo: Synthesis of climate model downscaling products for the southeastern United States: .


Climate change is likely to have many effects on natural ecosystems in the Southeast U.S. While there is information available to conservation managers and ecologists from the global climate models (GCMs), this information is at too coarse a resolution for use in vulnerability assessments and decision making. To better assess how climate change could affect multiple sectors, including ecosystems, climatologists have created several downscaled climate projections that contain information from GCMs translated to regional or local scales. There are a number of techniques that can be used to create downscaled climate projections, and the number of available downscaled climate projections present challenges to users deciding what to use [...]


Author :
Ryan Boyles
Funding Agency :
Southeast Climate Science Center

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The information synthesis and evaluation of downscaled projections across the Southeast is necessary to provide guidance to users of downscaled projections. This is necessary to provide guidance on the creation and appropriate use of downscaled projections. While this has been considered broadly in the climate science community, it is necessary to consider this with regards to the specific information needs of ecologists and natural resource managers in the Southeast. As such the main objective of the project was to summarize the methods and approaches used to appropriately downscale coarse climate model guidance for use at local scales, identify the metrics most appropriate for evaluation of climate model skill and usability of climate model projections for the ecology and conservation communities, and being a longer-term effort to evaluate a collection of downscaled climate products over the Southeastern United States. We were able to address the objectives proposed. There were no major differences between what was proposed and the resulting work. The resulting report summarized the strengths and weaknesses of the many kinds of downscaling techniques, including previous literature on the accuracy of such techniques and the influence on the guidance provided by output datasets created with such techniques. The initial evaluation of several downscaled climate projections begins the longer-term evaluation effort proposed. In addition to beginning this effort, the evaluation and associated narrative describes the considerations that an ecologist or natural resource manager should take before choosing a downscaled climate projection to use in their impact assessment or decision.


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southeast CASC

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