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CRED Rapid Ecological Assessments of Coral Population in the Pacific Ocean 2007-2010


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Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED), Pacific Island Fisheries Sciences Center, National Marine Fisheries Service. 2011. CRED Rapid Ecological Assessments of Coral Population in the Pacific Ocean 2007-2010. Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED), Pacific Island Fisheries Sciences Center, National Marine Fisheries Service. Retrieve from


Abstract Written by OBIS-USA using Excerpts from CRED Homepage Corals are the defining species in one of the highest diversity marine ecosystems, coral reefs. CRED studies of corals address basic questions concerning the distribution, abundance, and condition of corals and coral reefs throughout selected areas of the tropical and subtropical Pacific under U.S. jurisdiction. The suite of questions addressed by CRED studies includes: (1) What is the diversity and relative abundance of corals? (2) How can the habitats in which corals occur be qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed? (3) What is the spatial distribution of habitats in which corals occur? (4) What is the capacity of corals to replenish populations over space and time? [...]

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