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Normalized least cost corridors, Columbia Plateau analysis for two species in the Pacific Northwest


Publication Date


Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Group (WHCWG), 20120531, Normalized least cost corridors, Columbia Plateau Analysis: .


This raster was clipped from the raw NLCC raster for this species according to the linkage width cutoff listed in Table 2.2 WHCWG (2012). As with the statewide analysis (see WHCWG 2010), the normalized least-cost corridor algorithms produced wall-to-wall linkage maps, with everygrid cell in the study area having a value that represented its deviation from the nearest least-cost movement route. This necessitated creating maps that displayed only values from zero (the optimum modeled route) to a species-specific linkage width cutoff to identify areas that contribute most to connectivity between each HCA pair. Because of the smaller extent of this analysis and the finer-scale data that were available, we chose cutoff values (Table 2.2, [...]


Process Contact :
Meade Krosby

Attached Files

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Mule Deer HCA and Corridors (Columbia Plateau).lpk 6.2 MB application/x-7z-compressed
Tiger Salamander HCA and Corridors.lpk 802.08 KB application/x-7z-compressed


The purpose of this normalized least-cost corridor (NLCC) data layer is to provide users with a map of areas most likely to contribute to connectivity between habitat concentration areas.

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