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Prediction of fish and sediment mercury in streams using landscape variables and historical mining


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Charles N Alpers, Julie L Yee, Josh T Ackerman, James Orlando, Darell Slotton, and Mark C Marvin-DiPasquale, 2016, Prediction of fish and sediment mercury in streams using landscape variables and historical mining: .


Widespread mercury (Hg) contamination of aquatic systems in the Sierra Nevada of California, U.S., is associated with historical use to enhance gold (Au) recovery by amalgamation. In areas affected by historical Au mining operations, including the western slope of the Sierra Nevada and downstream areas in northern California, such as San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento River-San Joaquin River Delta, microbial conversion of Hg to methylmercury (MeHg) leads to bioaccumulation of MeHg in food webs, and increased risks to humans and wildlife. This study focused on developing a predictive model for THg in stream fish tissue based on geospatial data, including land use/land cover data, and the distribution of legacy Au mines. Data on total [...]


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Map showing locations of historical gold mines in the Sierra Nevada and historical mercury mines in the Coast Ranges, California.JPG
“Map showing locations of historical gold mines in the Sierra Nevada and historic”
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Map showing locations of historical gold mines in the Sierra Nevada and historic
Map showing locations of historical gold mines in the Sierra Nevada and historic


  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis




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noteAlpers, Charles N., Julie L. Yee, Joshua T. Ackerman, James L. Orlando, Darrel G. Slotton, and Mark C. Marvin-DiPasquale. 2016. “Prediction of Fish and Sediment Mercury in Streams Using Landscape Variables and Historical Mining.” Science of The Total Environment. Accessed September 21. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.088.

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