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Webinar: Hierarchical population structure in greater sage-grouse provides insight into management boundary delineation


2017-02-13 17:07:46
Last Update
2017-10-31 13:57:46
Start Date


Todd Cross(Principal Investigator), Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), LCC Network Data Steward(administrator), 2017-02-13(creation), 2017-10-31(lastUpdate), 2016-12-14(Start), Webinar: Hierarchical population structure in greater sage-grouse provides insight into management boundary delineation


Presenter: Todd Cross, University of Montana and USFS National Genomics Lab for Wildlife & Fish Conservation We genotyped 1499 greater sage- grouse from 297 leks across Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota using a 15-locus microsatellite panel, then examined spatial autocorrelation, spatial principal components analysis, and hierarchical Bayesian clustering to identify population structure. Our results show that at distances of up to ~240 km individuals exhibit greater genetic similarity than expected by chance, suggesting that the cumulative effect of short-range dispersal translates to long-range connectivity. We also found two levels of hierarchical genetic subpopulation structure. These subpopulations occupy significantly different [...]


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