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Land-Use Threats and Protected Areas: A Scenario-Based, Landscape Level Approach


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Wilson, T.S., B.M. Sleeter, R.R. Sleeter, and C.E. Soulard, 2014, Land-use threads and protected areas: a scenario-based, landscape-level approach, Land (3): 362-389.


Anthropogenic land use will likely present a greater challenge to biodiversity than climate change this century in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Even if species are equipped with the adaptive capacity to migrate in the face of a changing climate, they will likely encounter a human-dominated landscape as a major dispersal obstacle. Our goal was to identify, at the ecoregion-level, protected areas in close proximity to lands with a higher likelihood of future land-use conversion. Using a state-and-transition simulation model, we modeled spatially explicit (1 km2) land use from 2000 to 2100 under seven alternative land-use and emission scenarios for ecoregions in the Pacific Northwest. We analyzed scenario-based land-use conversion threats [...]


(other) :
Tamara Wilson

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