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Final Report: Evaluation of Regional Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM)


Publication Date
2015-06-30 05:00:00
2016-03-31 05:00:00
Start Date
2013-11-01 05:00:00
End Date
2014-12-31 06:00:00


LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative(publisher), Warren Pinnacle Consulting Inc.(Author), Image Matters LLC(Author), Johnathan S. Clough(Principal Investigator), 2015-06-30(Publication), 2016-03-31(revision), Final Report: Evaluation of Regional Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM),


Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative partners are undertaking numerous efforts to conserve and restore coastal resources, many of which are sensitive to the effects of climate change. Natural resource managers need improved computer modeling tools to effectively evaluate possible sea level rise scenarios along the Gulf of Mexico Coast to better predict the effects on valuable habitats and wildlife.


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