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The Alaska Geological Materials Center Inventory


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2016-08-18 10:01:00


Johnson, K.J., Riordan, J.A., Papp, K.R., Johnson, K.A., Skutca, J.E., Mansavage, H.L., and Hartman, D., 20100409, The Alaska Geological Materials Center Inventory: State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys.


The Alaska Geologic Materials Center (GMC) in Eagle River holds non-proprietary rock core and cuttings that represent over 13 million feet of exploration and production drilling in Alaska. Additionally, the collection holds more than 252,000 linear feet of diamond-drilled hard-rock mineral core, representing more than 1,800 exploratory boreholes; 76,000 linear feet of oil and gas core and rock samples from more than 1,650 exploratory or production wells; samples for geotechnical boreholes; and numerous surface rock and sediment samples. The collection also includes extensive geochemical data and processed material derived from this rock. This publication represents the GMC inventory in accessible, intuitive digital formats for use [...]


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A geologist's ability to perform modern analyses on these unique samples is paramount for responsible development of the State's vast resources. It is critical that access to and protection of this valuable resource be improved and updated. GMC staff has been acquiring additional inventory details and performing quality control on the information stored in the ever-growing GMC database. Although the main responsibility of the GMC is to preserve and ensure the safety of the physical material stored at the facility, it is equally important to make the material and derived data accessible to the public.

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