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USDA Forest to Faucets Percent of HUC Threatened by Insects and Disease


2016-03-30 14:18:30
Last Update
2016-03-30 14:20:40
Start Date
End Date
Start Date
2000-12-31 20:36:19
End Date
2005-12-31 20:36:19


Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Enterprise Data Warehouse(Distributor), UNC Asheville-NEMAC(Principal Investigator), 2016-03-30(creation), 2016-03-30(lastUpdate), 2001(Start), 2006(End), USDA Forest to Faucets Percent of HUC Threatened by Insects and Disease,


The Forest to Faucets dataset provides a watershed index of surface drinking water importance, a watershed index of forest importance to surface drinking water, and a watershed index to highlight the extent to which development, fire, and insects and disease threaten forests important for surface drinking water. This layer displays the percent of the HUC watershed that is threatened bu insects and disease. For further information, see the methods paper titled, “From the Forest to the Faucet: Drinking Water and Forests in the US” located at


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The results of this assessment provides information that can identify areas of interest for protecting surface drinking water quality. The spatial dataset can be incorporated into broad-scale planning, such as the State Forest Action Plans, and can be incorporated into existing decision support tools that currently lack spatial data on important areas for surface drinking water. This project also sets the groundwork for identifying watersheds where a payment for watershed services (PWS) scheme may be an option for financing forest conservation and management on private unprotected forest lands. In perhaps its most important but most basic role, this work can serve as an education tool helping to illustrate the link between forests and provision of key watershed-based ecosystem services.

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Alternate Titles

  • applcc-shp-052


Type Scheme Key
USGS ScienceBase Identifier urn:uuid 56fbe036e4b0a6037df1ff5d
adiwg adiwg applcc-008-shp-052

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