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The Natural Capital Accounting Opportunity: Let's Really Do the Numbers


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Boyd JW, Bagstad KJ, Carter Ingram, J, Shapiro CD, Adkins JE, Casey CF, Duke CS, Glynn PD, Goldman E, Grasso M, Hass JI, Johnson JA, Lange GM, Matuszak J, Miller A, Oleson KI, Posner SM, Rhodes C, Soulard F, Vardon M, Villa F, Voigt B, and Wentland S; The Natural Capital Accounting Opportunity: Let's Really Do the Numbers, BioScience, , biy135,


"The nation's economic accounts provide objective, regular, and standardized information routinely relied on by public and private decision-makers. But they are incomplete. The United States and many other nations currently do not account for the natural capital--such as the wildlife, forests, grasslands, soils, and water bodies--on which all other economic activity rests. By creating formal natural capital accounts (NCA) and ecosystem goods and service (EGSA) accounts, governments and businesses could better understand the past, peer into the future, innovate, conserve, and plan for environmental shocks. They would standardize, regularly repeat, and aggregate diverse natural resource, environmental, and social and economic data and [...]


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  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis




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DOI 10.1093/biosci/biy135

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noteBoyd JW, Bagstad KJ, Carter Ingram, J, Shapiro CD, Adkins JE, Casey CF, Duke CS, Glynn PD, Goldman E, Grasso M, Hass JI, Johnson JA, Lange GM, Matuszak J, Miller A, Oleson KI, Posner SM, Rhodes C, Soulard F, Vardon M, Villa F, Voigt B, and Wentland S; The Natural Capital Accounting Opportunity: Let's Really Do the Numbers, BioScience, , biy135,

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