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BLM REA COP 2010 Intermountain West Oil and Gas Potential Unrestrained


This is the dataset for anticipated oil and gas well development in areas of high oil and gas potential as described in Copeland et al. (2009) Mapping Oil and Gas Development Potential in the US Intermountain West and Estimating Impacts to Species, PLoSOne. ( This dataset corresponds with results shown in Figure 2 of the publication. Please see paper in PLoSOne for more detailed methods. The dataset should be cited as: Copeland, H., K. Doherty, D. Naugle, A. Pocewicz, J. Kiesecker (2010) Mapping Oil and Gas Development Potential in the US Intermountain West and Estimating Impacts to Species. The projection of this dataset is: US NAD83 Lambert Conformal Conic False [...]

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sourceSystem urn:x-esri:specification:ServiceType:ArcIMS:Metadata:DocID {5B85B6E2-0C30-4FA6-8371-A30F3D6F0244}

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