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BLM REA MAR 2012 Aquatic Ecosystem Ecological Status Assessment: North American Warm Desert Cienega and Marsh


The Vista tool is used to create a Scenario of the CAs affecting the North American Warm Desert Ciénega and Marsh CE and applies user-input Landscape Condition Model (LCM) scores to generate ESAs for each of the CEs. The LCM consists of Site Impact scores and impact Distances for each CA category. Site Impact scores are a value between 0 and 1 representing the impact of the CA on the relevant CEs. A score close to 1 indicates negligible or no impact from that CA. A score close to 0 indicates the highest possible impact, e.g. an interstate highway that makes the area in which it occurs completely unsuitable for the CE. Distances are set in meters and extend the impact of the CA from the footprint out for the specified distance, declining [...]

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sourceSystem urn:x-esri:specification:ServiceType:ArcIMS:Metadata:DocID {0628D5BB-82F8-4F2A-AF7B-90890FD09E5A}

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