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BLM FIAT Sagebrush Habitat at Risk of Conifer Expansion Map Service


A 30 meter integer grid derived from USGS GAP data published in 2010 of sagebrush land cover within 120 meters of conifer land cover. It is one of several inputs used in the BLM FIAT analysis completed March 2015. FIAT was developed using a process designed to identify strategies that ameliorate threats to Greater Sage-Grouse (GRSG; Centrocercus urophasianus) and their habitats. While the assessment is applicable across the range of sage-grouse, the analysis is limited to Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Management Agencies’(WAFWA) Management Zones III, IV, and V (roughly the Great Basin region) because of the significant issues associated with invasive annual grasses and the high level of wildfires in this region. It incorporates [...]

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