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BLM REA COP 2014 UCS COP Terrestrial Intactness 180185 White Tailed Prairie Dog


This map contains:Terrestrial Intactness results for the State of Utah and the Colorado Plateau Ecoregion, 1 km resolution.Terrestrial Species Intactness results clipped to 15 different species' distributions, showing the TI status/condition for each species of interest in the COP.These datasets provide an estimate of current terrestrial intactness (i.e. condition) based on the extent to which human impacts such as agriculture, urban development, natural resource extraction, and invasive species have disrupted the landscape across the State of Utah and the Colorado Plateau Ecoregion. Terrestrial intactness values will be high in areas where these impacts are low.Documentation of model structure and input data and thresholds are provided [...]

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