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USGS William A. Cobban Cretaceous Ammonite Collection


Start Date
1933-01-01 07:00:00
End Date
2017-01-01 07:00:00


USGS William A. Cobban Cretaceous Ammonite Collection


This collection consists of Western Interior Upper Cretaceous ammonites and Inoceramids fossils with stratigraphic and spatial data largely from the Rocky Mountain region of North America. Data is primarily type fossils from the USGS Denver Mesozoic Invertebrate Catalog created and maintained by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) that as of March 2020 has been transferred to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Samples collected by paleontologist William A. Cobban during his sixty years of service within the USGS Paleontology And Stratigraphy Branch and Geologic Mapping Team. Approximately 14,595 fossil localities are represented in this collection. In a career that spanned almost 75 years, Cobban fundamentally changed our [...]


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William A. Cobban was one of the most influential geologists and paleontologists of his time and he made significant advances in the field over his long career. It is critical that his work is made available for future studies.

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urn:uuid urn:uuid 406a64b7-9948-457c-b98a-b6e759dc91c3

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