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Collection of Oil and Gas Well Logs from Kentucky


This collection contains records of oil and gas well drilling in Kentucky including electronic documents, geophysical logs, geologic characterizations, and production history.

Child Items (154206)


Contact :
Doug Curl
Data Owner :
Kentucky Geological Survey

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

“Collection Metadata Source File”
2.54 KB application/xml
oilgas_1112017.xml 229.5 MB application/xml
oilgas_1202017.xml 228.37 MB application/xml
oilgas_2142017_1.xml 38.48 MB application/xml
oilgas_2142017_1a.xml 38.52 MB application/xml
oilgas_2142017_2.xml 38.62 MB application/xml
oilgas_2142017_2b.xml 38.65 MB application/xml
oilgas_2142017_3.xml 37.02 MB application/xml
oilgas_2142017_3b.xml 37.13 MB application/xml
oilgas_12132017_1.xml 38.61 MB application/xml
oilgas_12132017_1.xml 38.61 MB application/xml
oilgas_12132017_2.xml 38.49 MB application/xml
oilgas_12152017_3.xml 38.35 MB application/xml
oilgas_12152017_4.xml 38.71 MB application/xml
oilgas_12152017_5.xml 39.05 MB application/xml
oilgas_11162018_1.xml 37.7 MB application/xml
oilgas_11162018_2.xml 37.58 MB application/xml
oilgas_11162018_3.xml 37.44 MB application/xml
oilgas_11162018_4.xml 37.8 MB application/xml
oilgas_11162018_5.xml 38.14 MB application/xml
oilgas_11162018_6.xml 37.5 MB application/xml


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • ReSciColl Archive



Oil and gas well records are provided to the Kentucky Geological Survey from the Kentucky Division of Oil and Gas. The Kentucky Geological Survey is mandated to provide oil and gas records to the public. To fullfill this obligation, relevant well data is transferred to a KGS database and associated documents are scanned. The data and scanned records for non-confidential wells are provided online free of charge through the KGS website at

Additional Information


Type Scheme Key
sourceSystem CSC 1089257
UniqueKey State Inventory P865

NGGDPP Collection Extension

usageTrendIncreases by about 10% every year

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