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Local-scale ecosystem resilience amid global-scale ocean change: the coral reef example


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Coral reefs are massive, wave resistant structures found throughout the tropics, where they have long attracted attention for their beauty, ecological importance, and rich biological diversity. However, in recent years attention to these systems has focused on their downturn in health and the potential that they effectively could disappear within a century. Yet while many coral reefs have deteriorated, a small number have flourished and now represent “oases” with the potential to drive repopulation of the denuded areas that surround them. This working group focuses on the geographic, biological, ecological, and physical features that characterize oases in coral reef communities, and evaluates the potential of these oases to catalyze [...]

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Flat Cays_USVI_2012_healthy Acervicornis.jpg
“Flat Cays, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands - Healthy Coral Reef”
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Flat Cays, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands - Healthy Coral Reef
Flat Cays, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands - Healthy Coral Reef


  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis



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