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Elevation artifacts in digital bathymetric and topographic models for United States east (east_cdem_v1.tif) and west (west_cdem_v.tif) coasts (polygon shapefile, geographic, NAD83)


Publication Date


Befus, K.M., and Kroeger, K.D., 2017, Continuous and optimized 3-arcsecond elevation model for United States east and west coasts: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Investigations of coastal change and coastal resources often require continuous elevation profiles from the seafloor to coastal terrestrial landscapes. Differences in elevation data collection in the terrestrial and marine environments result in separate elevation products that may not share a vertical datum. This data release contains the assimilation of multiple elevation products into a continuous digital elevation model at a resolution of 3-arcseconds (approximately 90 meters) from the terrestrial landscape to the seafloor for the contiguous U.S., focused on the coastal interface. All datasets were converted to a consistent horizontal datum, the North American Datum of 1983, but the native vertical datum for each dataset was not [...]


Attached Files

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“Browse graphic of elevation artifacts polygons.”
thumbnail 144.3 KB image/png
“Metadata for elevation artifacts polygons.”
Original FGDC Metadata

47.96 KB application/fgdc+xml
“Download of data and metadata.”
164.98 KB application/zip


The purpose of this dataset is to identify and correct elevation artifacts in the source elevation datasets that can be corrected in future products or were corrected. These artifacts are assigned a Type and Action attribute that is used to correct the source datasets where possible using the processing steps for creating the west_cdem_v1.tif and east_cdem_v1.tif rasters. The primary focus of the artifact delineation was between -50 to 50 meters elevation. Only those interpolation artifacts that could be replaced by other data, were unavoidable/unfillable using other datasets, or were distinguishable from nearby bathymetry or topography were delineated and saved in DEM_artifacts.shp.

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