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Traits and Factors Catalog (TRAFAC): Conifer specialists of North America

Data for journal manuscript: Evolutionary history predicts high‐impact invasions by herbivorous insects


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Mech, A.M., Thomas, K.A., Havill, N.P., Schulz, A.N., and Tobin, P.C., 2020, Traits and Factors Catalog (TRAFAC): Conifer specialists of North America: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


These data were compiled in support of the 'Predicting the next high-impact insect invasion: Elucidating traits and factors determining the risk of introduced herbivorous insects on North American native plants' project, supported by the U.S. Geological Survey John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis. The project working group compiled data for non-native insects herbivorous on three or fewer North American conifer families. Data were synthesized from existing resources for a variety of insect traits, traits of their North American conifer host trees, divergence time between the North American host trees and the host tree in the insects' native range, and native insects that feed on the same North American host conifer [...]


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The purpose of these data are to census non‐native insects, using published lists (Aukema et al., 2010; Yamanaka et al., 2015), and identify 58 conifer specialists currently established in North America that feed on hosts in Cupressaceae, Pinaceae, and/or Taxaceae. Our literature review revealed 49 North American conifer species (NA_Host) that were fed upon by the 58 conifer specialists (Insect). These data support the analysis of the traits and factors that are potentially predictive of the impact of non-native insects herbivorous on three or fewer North American conifers. Four classes of data were collected: Non-native insect traits, North American host conifer traits, divergence time between North American host conifers and host conifers in the insects' native range, and native insects that feed on the North American conifer hosts.


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DOI doi:10.5066/P9CLFQMI

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