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This child item contains bathymetric measurements of the channel geometry suitable for use in computing cross-sectional area for each field site. Each Field Site is abbreviated in various files in this data release. File and folder names quickly identify which site a particular file or dataset represents. The following abbreviations are used: ACS: Anthracite Creek at Somerset, Colorado, USA BRA: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in August 2023) BRJ: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in June 2023) CRG: Colorado River below Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA CRR: Colorado River above Roaring Fork River at Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA ERW: Eagle River below Milk Creek near Wolcott,...
A generic, three-dimensional finite-difference model, MODFLOW-2005 (version 1.12.00) and MODPATH-6 (version 6.0.01), was created to better understand the amount of vertical flow and cross-contamination of trichloroethene (TCE) that may be occurring in discontinued extraction wells under current (2018-19) ambient-flow conditions at site 25 of the Edwards Air Force Base, California. The wells are long-screened (100-ft long), contain a surrounding sandpack, and have not been pumped for approximately 10 years. The groundwater flow model utilized multiple observations made from the field measurements of flow and transport to conceptualize, calculate, and simulate in-well flow, and flow in the sand pack. The model was...
Topographic data were collected along study reach 1 in Caulks Creek in Wildwood, Missouri, on multiple dates, using terrestrial light detection and ranging (t-lidar), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and conventional surveying techniques (Rydlund and Densmore, 2012). These data are high-resolution topography in laser scan format, collected using a tripod mounted t-lidar at multiple scan setups. Data collection software integrated and stored the range and angular measurements from the t-lidar equipment. Computer software was used to process the raw data, align the various scans in reference to one another, classify the data, and extract the topography data in a useable format. The topographic data are provided...
The Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers reside in southern-central Nevada. This group of aquifers can be categorized into welded tuff, bedded tuff, and lava flow aquifers. Each of these categories possess different physical characteristics and have varying degrees of welding and number of interconnected joints. The lithology of these aquifers is primarily dependent on mode of eruption and cooling and are highly variable. Because the lithology is so variable, so is groundwater transmission, storage, and yield (HA 730-B). This product provides source data for the Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers framework, including: Extent shapefiles: 1. p_57SRNVDV.shp: Polygon shapefile containing the areal extent...
A series of field measurements of surface water velocity derived from video and Doppler velocity radar collected by small unoccupied aircraft systems (sUAS) and portable sensors were collected at seven locations in Colorado, USA, during the summer of 2023. The measurements were utilized to compute surface velocity and discharge using the Probability Concept, Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV), and Space-Time Image Velocimetry (STIV) methods. This data release includes the original videos, radar spectra, and ancillary data necessary to produce the surface water velocity and streamflow results. Data are grouped into sections (child items) based on the data type and purpose: Ancillary Scripts: this child...
Tags: Anthracite Creek, Gunnison County, Colorado, United States of America, Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado, United States of America, Blue River, Summit County, Colorado, United States of America, Colorado River, Garfield County, Colorado, United States of America, Dillon, Summit County, Colorado, United States of America, All tags...
This child item contains the raw acoustic Doppler velocity profiler (ADCP) measurements collected by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hydrographers at each site to validate Image and Radar velocimetry results. The discharge measurements were collected as part of routine and standard streamflow gaging direct measurement workflows at established USGS gaging locations. The zip file included in this release contains folders for each site. Within each folder are the associated raw ADCP files. For all field sites except BRJ, official discharge records are approved and available in the National Water Information System (NWIS) database. For those measurements with NWIS official measurements, the Site Visit Notes report is...
The Ada-Vamoosa aquifer resides in the Central Lowland Physiographic Province in east-central Oklahoma and ends at the Kansas State line. The aquifer underlies an area of about 2,300 square miles. The aquifer consists mainly of layers of fine to coarse-grained sandstone irregularly interbedded with shale and limestone. The rocks are in the Ada and the Vamoosa Groups are Pennsylvanian age. The maximum thickness of the aquifer is about 900 feet. The aquifer is productive where conditions are unconfined and acts as the primary water source for several towns in the area (HA 730-E). This product provides source data for the Ada-Vamoosa aquifer framework, including: Georeferenced images: 1. i_28ADAVMS_top.tif: Digitized...
The watershed data management (WDM) database SC16.WDM is updated with the processed data for the period October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, and renamed as SC17.WDM. The precipitation data are collected from a tipping-bucket rain-gage network and the hydrologic data (stage and discharge) are collected at USGS streamflow-gaging stations in and around DuPage County, Illinois. Hourly precipitation and hydrologic data for the period October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, are processed following the guidelines described in Bera (2014) and appended to SC16.WDM and renamed as SC17.WDM. Meteorological data (wind speed, solar radiation, air temperature, dewpoint temperature, and potential evapotranspiration)...
The Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) version 3.3.1 (Ursic and Langendoen, 2021) was used to predict bank retreat at five locations along Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri, for a selection of design storm scenarios. BSTEM is a macro-enabled Excel spreadsheet (.xlsm file) that simulates the retreat of a bank profile due to a combination of fluvial and geotechnical processes. These BSTEM simulations build on hydrologic and hydraulic modeling of Caulks Creek for a wide variety of design storm scenarios that represent both current and future climate conditions (Heimann and others, 2024). The six design storm scenarios selected for BSTEM simulations include storms of 6-hour duration with 2-year (2yr), 10-year...
Topographic data were collected along study reach 4 in Caulks Creek in Wildwood, Missouri, on multiple dates, using terrestrial light detection and ranging (t-lidar), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and conventional surveying techniques (Rydlund and Densmore, 2012). These data are high-resolution topography in laser scan format, collected using a tripod mounted t-lidar at multiple scan setups. Data collection software integrated and stored the range and angular measurements from the t-lidar equipment. Computer software was used to process the raw data, align the various scans in reference to one another, classify the data, and extract the topography data in a useable format. The topographic data are provided...
Model archive summary (MAS) describing the development of a continuous 15-minute suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time series regression model for the site: Georgiana Slough Near Sacramento River (U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) site # 11447903). The SSC time series is computed from instream turbidity data that is managed by the USGS using a YSI EXO multi-parameter water quality sonde.
This child item contains the raw videos captured by small Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (sUAS) at each field site. It also includes a summary file with metadata for each video. Each Field Site is abbreviated in various files in this data release. File and folder names quickly identify which site a particular file or dataset represents. The following abbreviations are used: ACS: Anthracite Creek at Somerset, Colorado, USA BRA: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in August 2023) BRJ: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in June 2023) CRG: Colorado River below Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA CRR: Colorado River above Roaring Fork River at Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA ERW: Eagle River below...
This child item contains information about associating the calibration images and video to real-world distances using ground control points for each field site. The data included here can be used to provide a pixel ground scale distance for each video. Each Field Site is abbreviated in various files in this data release. File and folder names quickly identify which site a particular file or dataset represents. The following abbreviations are used: ACS: Anthracite Creek at Somerset, Colorado, USA BRA: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in August 2023) BRJ: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in June 2023) CRG: Colorado River below Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA CRR: Colorado River...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), conducted a study to describe the current understanding of the regional groundwater system of the lower Duwamish River valley and groundwater and surface-water interactions in the lower Duwamish Waterway. A nearshore site along the western shoreline of the Duwamish River, about 1.5 mi upstream from the river mouth, was selected for focused groundwater data collection by USGS. Data loggers were deployed in seven groundwater wells and one stilling well in the Duwamish River to measure specific conductance, temperature, and depth at 15-minute intervals for a period of about 2 years.This data release contains...
The Western Interior Plains aquifer system is located in parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming and covers an area of more than 220,800 square miles. The thickness of the aquifer system ranges from 500 feet in eastern Colorado (HA 730-D) to as much as 10,000 feet in western Oklahoma (PP_1414B). This aquifer system consists of water-bearing dolostone, limestone, and shale and overlies the basement confining unit in the western part of the Interior Plains physiographic division. This aquifer system consists of the upper aquifer unit (A1), a middle confining unit, and the lower aquifer unit (A2). The aquifer system is overlain by the Western Interior...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), conducted a study to describe the current understanding of the regional groundwater system of the lower Duwamish River valley and groundwater and surface-water interactions in the lower Duwamish Waterway. A nearshore site along the western shoreline of the Duwamish River, about 1.5 mi upstream from the river mouth, was selected for focused groundwater data collection by USGS. Data loggers were deployed in seven groundwater wells and one stilling well in the Duwamish River to measure specific conductance, temperature, and depth at 15-minute intervals for a period of about 2 years.This data release contains...
See Full Metadata Here This dataset contains the initial 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) flow network topology which is based on the final High Resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and a set of mainstem river identifiers based on on the Medium resolution NHDPlus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2). The 3DHP flow network topology and mainstem identifiers contained in this data release add two key pieces of information to the flow table of the National Hydrography Dataset: 1) at every junction, one and only one main upstream and downstream connection have been identified 2) every "in network" flowline has been assigned a mainstem identifier that places it into a hierarchy of rivers and drainage basins. For description...
This dataset was developed to estimate point-source total nitrogen and phosphorous loads to streams in the conterminous United States (U.S.) from December 1999 to November 2020. This dataset uses discharge and concentration information from point sources to streams in the conterminous United States from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Integrated Compliance Information System - Permit Compliance System (ICIS-PCS) database. Nutrient concentrations were used to calculate point source loads. However, measured concentration data was often not available so “typical pollutant concentrations” (TPCs) were developed using concentration data from the same facility but a different time or from similar facilities....
Categories: Data; Tags: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, All tags...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB), constructed a finite-difference numerical groundwater-flow model of the Boone and Roubidoux aquifers in northeastern Oklahoma by using MODFLOW-NWT (version 1.1.4) with the Newton formulation solver to simulate groundwater flow and account for the drying and rewetting of cells within the groundwater-flow model. The numerical groundwater-flow model was discretized into four layers consisting of 354 rows by 261 columns with a 2,000-feet by 2,000-feet cell size. The model layers were used to simulate the Western Interior Plains confining system, the Boone aquifer, the Ozark confining unit, and the Roubidoux aquifer. The...
This digital dataset contains the gridded future climate data used for the Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models. The monthly climate data for Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models are based on the Salinas and Carmel River Basins Study (SCRBS) future climate scenarios [Henson and others, 2024). SCRBS considers one baseline climate scenario that represents recent historical climate conditions and five future climate scenarios: Hot-Wet (HW), Warm-Wet (WW), Hot-Dry (HD), Warm-Dry (WD), and Central Tendency (CT) (Henson and others, 2024). To develop the monthly climate grids, the regional climate data was resampled to a monthly timescale and area weighted to the model grid. The climate data includes spatially distributed...

map background search result map search result map Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database (SC17.WDM) for Salt Creek Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 1997, through September 30, 2017 (ver. 1.1, September 2024) MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH-6 Data sets of Simulated Groundwater Flow to Evaluate Wellbore Flow in Generic Long-Screened Wells Under Ambient Flow MODFLOW-NWT model used for the simulation of groundwater flow and analysis of groundwater availability in the Boone and Roubidoux aquifers in northeastern Oklahoma, 1980-2017 Model Archive Summary No. 2 for Turbidity Derived Suspended-Sediment Concentrations at USGS Station 11447903; Georgiana Slough Near Sacramento River, California (2015-2021). Archive of Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) Simulations of Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri Unoccupied Aerial System-mounted image velocimetry and Doppler velocity radar data for computation of river velocity and discharge collected at seven locations in Colorado in 2023 Videos Point-Source Nutrient Loads to Streams of the Conterminous United States, 1999-2020 Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Ada-Vamoosa aquifer, Oklahoma Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Western Interior Plains aquifer system, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models: Future Climate Data Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers, Nevada Study Reach 1 Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging Topographic Data in Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri, 2022–2023 Study Reach 4 Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging Topographic Data in Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri, 2022–2023 Cross-Section Geometry Discharge Measurements Ground Control Study Reach 4 Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging Topographic Data in Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri, 2022–2023 Study Reach 1 Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging Topographic Data in Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri, 2022–2023 Model Archive Summary No. 2 for Turbidity Derived Suspended-Sediment Concentrations at USGS Station 11447903; Georgiana Slough Near Sacramento River, California (2015-2021). Archive of Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) Simulations of Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database (SC17.WDM) for Salt Creek Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 1997, through September 30, 2017 (ver. 1.1, September 2024) Unoccupied Aerial System-mounted image velocimetry and Doppler velocity radar data for computation of river velocity and discharge collected at seven locations in Colorado in 2023 Videos Cross-Section Geometry Discharge Measurements Ground Control Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Ada-Vamoosa aquifer, Oklahoma Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers, Nevada Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models: Future Climate Data MODFLOW-NWT model used for the simulation of groundwater flow and analysis of groundwater availability in the Boone and Roubidoux aquifers in northeastern Oklahoma, 1980-2017 Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Western Interior Plains aquifer system, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming Point-Source Nutrient Loads to Streams of the Conterminous United States, 1999-2020