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A limited amount of valid scientific information about global climate change and its detrimental impacts has reached the public and exerted a positive impact on the public policy process or future planning for adaptation and mitigation. This project was designed to address this limitation by bringing together expertise in the social and communication sciences from targeted academic institutions affiliated with the Department of the Interior’s Climate Science Centers (CSCs) through a workshop. The project team brought together expertise in the social and communication sciences from targeted academic institutions, particularly experts and scholars who are affiliated with the nation’s CSCs, by means of an invited...
Brief:Under this project a collaborative and integrated geodatabase of inventoried connectivity barriers within the South Central Lake Superior Basin (SCLSB) was developed to prioritize restoration for more than 2,000 inventoried stream crossings. SUMMARY:KBIC Natural Resources Department received funding through the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative to develop a collaborative and integrated geodatabase of inventoried connectivity barriers within the South Central Lake Superior Basin (SCLSB), to prioritize restoration for more than 2,000 inventoried stream crossings (see Figure 1). This project stemmed from KBIC’s participation in the Partnering for Watershed Restoration Group (PWR),...
Aging infrastructure is creating a pressing national need to align priorities between civil engineering and other interests. Restoring ecological connectivity of river networks that are fragmented by dams and road crossings has become a prominent objective for environmental managers across the country. A mature decision-support framework and newly available data on the condition of dams throughout the Lake Michigan basin offer unique opportunities to test for potential cost-efficiency gains from sharing the costs of removing decrepit dams between environmental and engineering organizations. At sites where these interests align, genuine win-win scenarios could advance both ecological connectivity and infrastructure...
The central objective of this project was to answer two questions: 1) how downscaled climate datasets, modeled vegetation changes, and information on estimated species sensitivities can be used to develop climate change adaptation strategies, and 2) how model results and datasets can be made more useful for informing the management of species and landscapes. To answer these questions, we identified enthusiastic partners working in two very different complex landscapes within the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC): 1) the British Columbia Park system, specifically the midcoast region, and 2) the National Wildlife Refuge system in the Willamette Valley, OR. The issues and concerns of each group...
The Quartz Valley Indian Reservation will partner with tribes, federal agencies and higher education institutions in the Klamath Basin on a tribal youth intern program for the summer of 2014. This program will build on current efforts to integrate western science and TEK for climate change planning and adaptation in the Klamath Basin.
The Quartz Valley Indian Reservation will partner with tribes, federal agencies and higher education institutions in the Klamath Basin on a tribal youth intern program for the summer of 2014. This program will build on current efforts to integrate western science and TEK for climate change planning and adaptation in the Klamath Basin.
The Cascadia Parner Forum fosters a network of natural resource practitioners working with the NPLCC and GNLCC to guild the adaptive capacity of the landscape and species living within it. This project supported three complementary transboundary climate adaptation and habitat connectivity activities in the Cascadia region: 1) Transboundary Climate Analysis by the Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Group, 2) WildLinks workshop, and 3) Cascadia Partner Forum.
In the drier, mid- and low-elevation portions of the Southern Rockies LCC, Fremont cottonwood represents the only native vegetation of tall stature, and cottonwood-dominated woodlands provide critical habitat for a large array of neotropical migratory birds and other animals. These woodlands likely dominated alluvial reaches of all streams where a snowmelt-driven spring flood was the major factor driving geomorphic and vegetation dynamics. These woodlands were also among the first habitats to undergo transformation as the regions land and water resources were developed.The PI coauthored a paper (Andersen et al. 2007) on assessing the amount of native Fremont cottonwood forest remaining on floodplains in 26 subbasins...
Water resource managers rely on hydrologic planning and decision-making models to understand and evaluate current and future water operations in the face of endangered species needs, drought, and climate change. Current climate change projections, such as those used in the West-Wide Climate Risk Assessment programs, are trending toward more extreme instances of drought within the Southern Rockies LCC region. Accurately estimating agricultural water consumption both under present conditions and under modeled future scenarios will help water resource managers project how much water might be available for allocation toward current ecological projects. It will also improve their understanding of the challenges a more...
Trout Unlimited will extend its existing Adopt-a-Trout program to the Henrys Fork River, a tributary to the Green River in the Colorado River basin. The project will include work with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and local schools to tag and monitor Colorado River Cutthroat trout movements to learn more about fish passage issues, areas of high entrainment, habitat use, and native and wild trout migratory patterns. Colorado River Cutthroat trout are native to the Henrys Fork River and occupy portions of the drainage; however, no data exists for Colorado River Cutthroat trout in the Wyoming portion of the Henrys Fork drainage to understand population dynamics and habitat restraints.FY2014Trout Unlimited will...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Colorado River cutthroat trout, Colorado River cutthroat trout, Conservation NGOs, Data Acquisition and Development, Datasets/Database, All tags...
The Museum of Northern Arizona will leverage tools previously developed through its Springs Stewardship Initiative to help resource managers in the southwestern U.S. collect, analyze, report upon, monitor and archive the complex and inter-related information associated with springs and spring-dependent species in the region. Building upon those past efforts, the project will include compilation of existing springs-related information to make the information more readily available online and further development of interactive online maps and climate change risk assessment tools of springs-dependent sensitive plant and animal species. This project builds on an effort funded in FY 2013 to complete similar work for...
Cottonwood forests are in decline becasue of losses from land use conversion and reduced regeneration from river regulation. Projecting lon-term implications of current trends and policies, or alterations of these, will help to identify the importance and scale of restoration activities needed to offset losses. This project developed a landscape dynamic model to project future (eig. 25, 50, 100 year) trends in cottonwood forst area and age distribution for four remnant floodplain reches on the Missouri River, based on recent rates (or alternative scenarios) of land use change, cottonwood recruitment, and succession. For two reaches, these changes are used to project the effects onabundances of selected songbird...
In the desert Southwest, changes in species composition, abundance, and distribution that may occur with climate change have significant implications for management of natural resources. These changes include: the extirpation or introduction of species, losses of biodiversity, shifts in structure and function of ecosystems and the services they provide, changes in wildlife habitat, invasion of non-native species, and changes in fire regimes. For planning, mitigation, and adaption, land managers would be greatly aided by knowing, in advance, which plant species, functional types, and assemblages will change in response to climate change so that monitoring and mitigation measures can focus on those resources. FY2012In...
The Conservation Biology Institute is developing a tool that managers in all watersheds of the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative can use to project the effects of climate change on soil vulnerability conditions and help resource managers develop appropriate strategies to mitigate negative climate impacts.Specifically, they will develop a spatially-explicit soil vulnerability index for the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative that can be used to forecast short-term response of plants to current drought conditions and test a vegetation model of plant response to drought.Conservation Biology Institute will use the soil vulnerability index to compare historical and future simulations...
The Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Connectivity Collaborative (AHC Collaborative) is working to develop best practices for aquatic connectivity project selection. Over the past decade, a suite of spatial desktop decision support tools has been developed for the Great Lakes region to aid in planning and selection of barrier (i.e. culverts or dams impeding aquatic organism passage) removal or rehabilitation. These tools are, for the most part, under-utilized by decision makers, likely because they do not know the tools exist, where to find them, how to use them, or how they perform in supporting “real life” decisions. We propose to examine the performance of both local, empirical data sets and existing decision support...
This assessment is based on review of available literature and examination of historical air photos that date to the 1940’s, topography developed from LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data obtained in 2007, limited field mapping of beach, dune and fluvial stratigraphy, discussions with other coastal dune geomorphologists, and reconnaissance site visits to the project area and environs. Radiocarbon dating drew from the work of Tushingham et al. (no date), Meyer et al. (2011), Bicknell and Austin (1991) and unpublished data developed by park staff. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating drew from work by Michaela Spiske (University of Munich, unpublished data 2013) and our resources using funding provided...
Streams across the world are highly fragmented due to the presence of in-stream barriers (e.g., dams and stream-road crossings), many of which restrict or block fish passage. Retrofitting or replacing these structures is a high priority for restoring habitat connectivity for native fishes and other aquatic organisms in the Pacific Northwest. The task of restoring habitat connectivity for problematic stream-road crossings is daunting given the many thousands of barriers that are present and the massive financial investments required. Further, the potential risks to road infrastructure from flooding, debris flows, and climate change will need to be addressed to ensure the best allocation of resources. In this study,...
This project builds upon existing data and collaborations to incorporate climate change and economic considerations into a decision support framework for prioritizing restoration of passage. Planned outcomes will help guide on-the-ground decisions in terms of adapting to anticipated climate effects, allocating limited resources for restoration, and providing tools that can be adapted across the NPLCC and beyond.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2013, Applications and Tools, Applications and Tools, Climate Change, Conservation Planning, All tags...
Reserve design is a process that must address many ecological, social, and political factors to successfully identify parcels of land in need of protection to sustain wildlife populations and other natural resources. Making land acquisition choices for a large, terrestrial protected area is difficult because it occurs over a long timeframe and may involve consideration of future conditions such as climate and urbanization changes. Decision makers need to consider factors including: order of parcel purchasing given budget constraints, future uncertainty, potential future landscape-scale changes from urbanization, and climate. In central Florida, two new refuges and the expansion of a third refuge are in various stages...
Climate change is expected to alter the distributions and community composition of stream fishes in the Great Lakes region in the 21st century, in part as a result of altered hydrological systems (stream temperature, streamflow, and habitat). Resource managers need information and tools to understand where fish species and stream habitats are expected to change under future conditions. Fish sample collections and environmental variables from multiple sources across the United States Great Lakes Basin were integrated and used to develop empirical models to predict fish species occurrence under present-day climate conditions. Random Forests models were used to predict the probability of occurrence of 13 lotic fish...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service, Shapefile; Tags: 2011, 2011, 2012, 2012, 2013, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Building Capacity within the CSC Network to Effectively Deliver and Communicate Science to Resource Managers and Planners Regional decision support tool for identifying vulnerabilities of riverine habitat and fishes to climate change Informing the Identification of High-Priority Lands for the Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge Considering Future Climate and Urbanization Soil Vulnerability to Future Climate Change in the Southern Rockies LCC, with Implications for Vegetation Change and Water Cycle The Impact of Ecosystem Water Balance on Desert Vegetation: Quantification of Historical Patterns and Projection Under Climate Change (Not listed in the LCC Science Catalog due to Desert LCC co-funding and catalog administering) A GIS-Based Evaluation of Fremont Cottonwood Stand Dynamics in the SRLCC Improving Crop Coefficients for the Middle Rio Grande Prioritizing restoration and enhancement of passage at stream-road crossings for aquatic vertebrates in the face of changing hydrologic regimes in the NPLCC Developing a Geodatabase and Geocollaborative Tools to Support Springs and Springs Dependent Species Adopt-a-Trout Program for the Henrys Fork of the Green River, Wyoming Wildlinks 2013: A Workshop of the Cascadia Partner Forum Summary Report Applying Vulnerability Assessment Tools to Plan for Climate Adaptation:  Case Studies in the North Pacific LCC - Final Report Age Estimation for Landforms at Tolowa Dunes State Park - Report Where the Stream Meets the Road: Prioritizing Culvert Replacement for Fish Passage - Thesis Final Report: Cultural Adaptation Through Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Change Climate change and Tribal Ecological Knowledge Summer Internship Presentation Comparison of Decision Making Techniques for Selection of River Connectivity Projects in the Michigan Fruitbelt Optimization at the infrastructure-connectivity nexus: boosting cost-efficiency of restoration using dam condition data for Lake Michigan Projecting Long-Term Landscape Change Along the Missouri River: Implications for Cottonwood Forests and Songbird Populations Adopt-a-Trout Program for the Henrys Fork of the Green River, Wyoming Age Estimation for Landforms at Tolowa Dunes State Park - Report Informing the Identification of High-Priority Lands for the Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge Considering Future Climate and Urbanization Prioritizing restoration and enhancement of passage at stream-road crossings for aquatic vertebrates in the face of changing hydrologic regimes in the NPLCC Where the Stream Meets the Road: Prioritizing Culvert Replacement for Fish Passage - Thesis Comparison of Decision Making Techniques for Selection of River Connectivity Projects in the Michigan Fruitbelt Final Report: Cultural Adaptation Through Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Change Climate change and Tribal Ecological Knowledge Summer Internship Presentation Optimization at the infrastructure-connectivity nexus: boosting cost-efficiency of restoration using dam condition data for Lake Michigan Improving Crop Coefficients for the Middle Rio Grande Wildlinks 2013: A Workshop of the Cascadia Partner Forum Summary Report The Impact of Ecosystem Water Balance on Desert Vegetation: Quantification of Historical Patterns and Projection Under Climate Change (Not listed in the LCC Science Catalog due to Desert LCC co-funding and catalog administering) A GIS-Based Evaluation of Fremont Cottonwood Stand Dynamics in the SRLCC Developing a Geodatabase and Geocollaborative Tools to Support Springs and Springs Dependent Species Soil Vulnerability to Future Climate Change in the Southern Rockies LCC, with Implications for Vegetation Change and Water Cycle Building Capacity within the CSC Network to Effectively Deliver and Communicate Science to Resource Managers and Planners Projecting Long-Term Landscape Change Along the Missouri River: Implications for Cottonwood Forests and Songbird Populations Regional decision support tool for identifying vulnerabilities of riverine habitat and fishes to climate change Applying Vulnerability Assessment Tools to Plan for Climate Adaptation:  Case Studies in the North Pacific LCC - Final Report