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Baseline (1961-1990) average winter total precipitation and projected change in precipitation for the northern portion of Alaska. For the purposes of these maps, ‘winter’ is defined as December - February. The Alaska portion of the Arctic LCC’s terrestrial boundary is depicted by the black line. Baseline results for 1961-1990 are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS 3.1.01 data and downscaled to 2km grids; results for the other time periods (2010-2039, 2040-2069, 2070-2099) are based on the SNAP 5-GCM composite using the AR5-RCP 8.5, downscaled to 2km grids.
The Red-necked Phalarope commonly breeds in both the Brooks Range foothills and ArcticCoastal Plain of Alaska. In Alaska, this species typically nests in wet tundra near water’s edge.It differs from the Red Phalarope in that it breeds further inland and at higher elevations (Rubegaet al. 2000). Like other phalaropes, this species depends on aquatic food sources for much of itsdiet (Rubega et al. 2000). Red-necked Phalaropes spend winter at sea in tropical waters in largenumbers off the west coast of South America (Rubega et al. 2000). Current North Americanpopulation estimate is 2.5 million with a declining trend (Morrison et al. 2006).
More than 35,000 lakes larger than 0.01 sq. km. were extracted from an airborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IfSAR) derived digital surface model acquired between 2002 and 2006 for the Western Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska. The IfSAR derived lake data layer provides an improvement over previously available datasets for the study area since it is more comprehensive and contemporary. Attributes assigned to the IfSAR-derived lake dataset include: area, lake elevation, elevation in 10, 25, 50, and 100 m buffers around a lake perimeter, the difference in elevation between the lake and these various buffers, whether a particular lake had a detectable drainage gradient exceeding 1.2 m, whether a...
The Arctic Tern completes annual epic migrations from pole to pole covering at least 40,000 kmon their round-trip journeys. They breed throughout Arctic Alaska from boreal to tundra habitatsand have their highest nesting densities inland (Lensink 1984). Arctic Terns typically choose nestsites on open ground near water and often on small islands in ponds and lakes (Hatch 2002).Arctic terns consume a wide variety of fish and invertebrate prey, fish are particularly importantduring the breeding season for feeding young (Hatch 2002). This species spends their winters(austral summers) in offshore waters near Antarctica (Hatch 2002). Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plainpopulation estimates from 2011 range from 7-12,000 (Larned...
TheNorthSlopeofAlaskaliesonthenorthsideofBrooksRangeandincludesextensivecoastlinesalongtheChukchiSeaandBeaufortSea.TheseshorelinesarefundamentallydifferentfrommostofthecoastlineintheUSastheyareconsolidatedbypermafrostandsubjecttoperiglacialprocesses,includingcryogenicprocessesonshoreandnearshoreseasonalpackiceformation.ThesecoastsarehighlydynamicandundergoingsomeofthefastestretreatratesinNorthAmerica(GibbsandRichmondn.d.).Proposedoffshoreoildevelopmentactivitiesinthe ChukchiSeacoastandexistingoffshoredrillingislandsalongtheBeaufortSeacoastposeenvironmentalrisksforthesecoasts.Environmentalconcernsincludeincreasedairandseatraffic,accidentaloilspills,andpotentialportdevelopments.BOEMrequiresup-­‐to-­‐date,digitalmappingthatcanbeusedtosystematicallyassesstheseenvironmentalrisks.TheSh...
The Anaktuvuk River Fire was the largest, highest-severity wildfire recorded on Alaska’s North Slope since records began in 1956. The 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire was an order of magnitude larger than the average fire size in the historic record for northern Alaska and indices of severity were substantially higher than for other recorded tundra burns. An interdisciplinary team assessed fire effects including burn severity, potential plant community shifts, and effects on permafrost and active layers. Observers monumented, photographed, and measured 24 burned and 17 unburned reference transects, starting the year after the fire, and spanning the range of vegetation types and burn severities.
Contemporary observations suggest that water may disappear entirely from portions of some North Slope stream-beds during periods of drought or low flow. Climate models project even drier summers in the future. This could pose a problem for migrating fish that must be able to move back and forth from breeding and summer feeding areas to scarce overwintering sites. This work uses the best available long-term hydrologic data set for the North Slope (in the upper Kuparuk River watershed) to develop a model to assess the vulnerability of stream systems to periodic drought, and the vulnerability of migrating fish to a loss of stream connectivity.
The purpose of this project is to provide better information to industry and regulatory agencies regarding the likely locations of polar bear dens. This project integrates snow physics, high-resolution digital elevation data, and bear biology to produce more refined and accurate maps predicting suitable polar bear den habitat than are currently available. The work consists of data gathering, consultation between snow and bear scientists, modeling, and sensitivity studies to understand the various factors influencing den location and evolution along the Beaufort Coast.The proposed work is intended to refine current methods of identifying polar bear denning sites by incorporating higher-resolution topographic data...
The Wildlife Conservation Society will assess the climate change vulnerability of bird species that regularly breed in substantial populations in Alaska using the NatureServe Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) tool. Initial work will focus on breeding birds in Arctic Alaska including shorebirds, waterfowl and waterbird species (loons, gulls, terns, jaegers), and land bird species (passerines, raptors, ptarmigan).
These raster datasets represent historical stand age. The last four digits of the file name specifies the year represented by the raster. For example a file named Age_years_historical_1990.tif represents the year 1990. Cell values represent the age of vegetation in years since last fire, with zero (0) indicating burned area in that year. Files from years 1860-2006 use a variety of historical datasets for Boreal ALFRESCO model spin up and calibration to most closely match historical wildfire dynamics.
This pilot project has initiated a long-term integrated modeling project that aims todevelop a dynamically linked model framework focused on climate driven changes tovegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost, and their interactions and feedbacks.This pilot phase has developed a conceptual framework for linking current state-of-thesciencemodels of ecosystem processes in Alaska – ALFRESCO, TEM, GIPL-1 – and theprimary processes of vegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost that theysimulate. A framework that dynamically links these models has been defined and primaryinput datasets required by the models have been developed.
The Geographic Information Network for Alaska will complete uniform and consistent ecological mapping of the North Slope region and provide a summary of existing field site ecological descriptions (including photos) in a web based environment. Existing automated field information and photos that have reliable geolocation information will be compiled and entered in a web based geographic display based on the ecological mapping.
Baseline (1961-1990) average winter temperature in and projected change in temperature for for the northern portion of Alaska. For the purposes of these maps, ‘winter’ is defined as December - February. The Alaska portion of the Arctic LCC’s terrestrial boundary is depicted by the black line. Baseline results for 1961-1990 are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS3.1 data and downscaled to 2km grids; results for the other time periods (2010-2039, 2040-2069, 2070-2099) are based on the SNAP 5-GCM composite using the AR5-RCP 8.5, downscaled to 2km grids.
Potential Evapotranspiration (PET): These data represent decadal mean totals of potential evapotranspiration estimates (mm). The file name specifies the decade the raster represents. For example, a file named pet_mean_mm_decadal_MPI_ECHAM5_A1B_annual_2000-2009.tif represents the decade spanning 2000-2009. The data were generated by using the Hamon equation and output from ECHAM5, a fifth generation general circulation model created by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg Germany. Data are at 2km x 2km resolution, and all data are stored in geotiffs. Calculations were performed using R 2.12.1 and 2.12.2 for Mac OS Leopard, and data were formatted into geotiffs using the raster and rgdal packages. Users...
The Integrated Ecosystem Model is designed to help resource managers understand the nature and expected rate of landscape change. Maps and other products generated by the IEM will illustrate how arctic and boreal landscapes are expected to alter due to climate-driven changes to vegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost. The products will also provide resource managers with an understanding of the uncertainty in the expected outcomes.
This dataset includes Snow Depth(snod) for northern Alaska in GeoTiff format, covering the years 1980-2012. Snow Depth is defined as depth on 1 March(m). The dataset was generated by the Arctic LCC SNOWDATA: Snow Datasets for Arctic Terrestrial Applications project.The dataset is delivered in the ZIP archive file format. Each year is output in a separate GeoTiff file, where the year is indicated by the filename.Over the last 20 years, under a variety of NOAA, NSF, and NASA research programs, a snow-evolution modeling system has been developed that includes the MicroMet micrometeorological model, the SnowModel snow-process model, and the SnowAssim data assimilation model. These modeling tools can be thought of as...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: AIR TEMPERATURE, AIR TEMPERATURE, ALBEDO, ALBEDO, Academics & scientific researchers, All tags...
Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) have a life-history strategy specifically adapted to the extreme climate of the North. These fish migrate to spawning grounds just after breakup in the spring, then migrate to feeding sites in early summer, and finally in the fall migrate back to their overwintering sites. The Kuparuk River is a perennial stream originating in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range on the North Slope of Alaska. Sections of the Kuparuk are periodically intermittent in that, during low flows in the system, these channel reaches appear dry. The flow varies between surface and subsurface in this permafrost-dominated environment, with subsurface flow being limited to the unfrozen thaw bulb around...
This raster, created in 2010, is output from the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Lab (GIPL) model and represents simulated active layer thickness (ALT) in meters averaged across a decade. The file name specifies the decade the raster represents. For example, a file named ALT_1980_1989.tif represents the decade spanning 1980-1989. Cell values represent simulated maximum depth (in meters) of thaw penetration (for areas with permafrost) or frost penetration (for areas without permafrost). If the value of the cell is positive, the area is underlain by permafrost and the cell value specifies the depth of the seasonally thawing layer above permafrost. If the value of the cell is negative, the ground is only seasonally...
The Database was built to enable data integration across sources, as well as to support program planning and observational network design. The Imiq Data Portal provides a snapshot of available hydroclimate data – a map-based view of where , what , and when data have been obtained. Users can submit a custom data query, specifying variable of interest, geographic bounds, and time step. Imiq will aggregate and export data records from multiple sources in a common format, with full metadata records that provide information about the source data.
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: ABLATION, ABLATION, ACTIVE LAYER, ACTIVE LAYER, ALBEDO, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Mapping Suitable Snow Habitat for Polar Bear Denning Along the Beaufort Coast of Alaska Linking North Slope Climate, Hydrology, and Fish Migration SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Depth Linking North Slope of Alaska climate, hydrology, and fish migration Imiq Data Portal North Slope Coastal Imagery Initiative IEM-CSC Factsheet with Supplement, 2015 Active Layer Thickness 2040 2049 Winter Precipitation Maps - RCP 8.5, Inches Western Arctic Coastal Plain, Coastline and Coastal Features Red-necked Phalarope Fish/Judy Creek Watershed map Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Model Pilot Year Final Report Ecological Landscapes and Field Site Web-based Tool Potential Evapotranspiration 2040-2049: ECHAM5 - A1B Scenario Annual Temperature Maps - RCP 6.0, Fahrenheit Climate Change Vulnerability of Migrating Bird Species Breeding in Arctic Alaska Historical Stand Age 1900-1909 Arctic Tern Anaktuvuk River Fire Monitoring Anaktuvuk River Fire Monitoring Mapping Suitable Snow Habitat for Polar Bear Denning Along the Beaufort Coast of Alaska Linking North Slope Climate, Hydrology, and Fish Migration Linking North Slope of Alaska climate, hydrology, and fish migration Western Arctic Coastal Plain, Coastline and Coastal Features Fish/Judy Creek Watershed map Red-necked Phalarope Ecological Landscapes and Field Site Web-based Tool Climate Change Vulnerability of Migrating Bird Species Breeding in Arctic Alaska Arctic Tern North Slope Coastal Imagery Initiative SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Depth Imiq Data Portal IEM-CSC Factsheet with Supplement, 2015 Active Layer Thickness 2040 2049 Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Model Pilot Year Final Report Potential Evapotranspiration 2040-2049: ECHAM5 - A1B Scenario Historical Stand Age 1900-1909 Winter Precipitation Maps - RCP 8.5, Inches Annual Temperature Maps - RCP 6.0, Fahrenheit