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Nearshore bathymetry is a vital link that joins offshore water depths to coastal topography. Seamless water depth information is a critical input parameter for reliable storm surge models, enables the calculation of sediment budgets and is necessary baseline data for a range of coastal management decisions. Funding from the Western Alaska LCC resulted in the purchase of field equipment capable of shallow water measurements in rural settings, allowing collection of nearshore bathymetry around western Alaska communities. The resulting vector data shape files of nearshore bathymetry for Gambell, Savoonga, Golovin, Wales, Shismaref, and Hooper Bay are available by following the link below.
Around the globe, fish and wildlife managers are facing increasingly complex management issues because of multiscale ecological effects like climate change, species invasion, and land-use change. Managers seeking to prevent extinctions or preserve ecosystems are increasingly considering more interventionist techniques to overcome the resulting changes. Among those techniques, translocation methods that intentionally move species into new, less impacted habitats are being considered. These types of translocations are known by a range of terms, including “managed relocation” and “assisted migration,” but the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Species Survival Commission (IUCN SSC, 2013) has proposed...
The primary purpose of this project is to acquire long-term data series ontemperature of selected lakes to support management of nursery habitat of lakerearingjuvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in relation to climatechange. We adopted protocol developed by the National Park Service (NPS) toestablish moored all-season vertical temperature monitoring arrays in eight lakesof Kodiak, Togiak, and Alaska Peninsula/Becharof National Wildlife Refuges(NWR) in summer and fall 2011. We recorded lake temperature at a resolution of0.02°C on an hourly basis at various depth strata between lake surfaces and lakebottoms. Monitoring sites were visited annually or biannially to extract data andto service monitoring equipment....
This project evaluated the potential impacts of storm surges and relative sea level rise on nesting geese and eider species that commonly breed on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (Y-K Delta). Habitat suitability maps for breeding waterbirds were developed to identify current waterbird breeding habitat and distributions. Short-term climate change impacts were assessed by comparing nest densities in relation to magnitude of storms that occurred in the prior fall from 2000-2013. Additionally, nest densities were modeled using random forests in relation to the time-integrated flood index (e.g., a storm specific measure accounting for both water depth and duration of flooding) for four modeled storms (2005, 2006, 2009, and...
The western coastline of Alaska spans over 10,000 km of diverse topography ranging from low lying tundra in the north to sharp volcanic relief in the south. Included in this range are areas highly susceptible to powerful storms which can cause coastal flooding, erosion and have many other negative effects on the environment and commercial efforts in the region. In order to better understand the multi-scale and interactive physics of the deep ocean,continental shelf, near shore, and coast, a large unstructured domain hydrodynamic model is being developed using the finite element, free surface circulation code ADCIRC.This model is a high resolution, accurate, and robust computational model of Alaska’s coastal environment...
Average historical annual total precipitation (inches) and projected relative change in total precipitation (% change from baseline) for Northern Alaska. 30-year averages. Handout format. Maps created using the SNAP 5-GCM composite (AR5-RCP 8.5) and CRU TS3.1.01 datasets.
Baseline (1961-1990) average winter total precipitation and projected change in precipitation for the northern portion of Alaska. For the purposes of these maps, ‘winter’ is defined as December - February. The Alaska portion of the Arctic LCC’s terrestrial boundary is depicted by the black line. Baseline results for 1961-1990 are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS 3.1.01 data and downscaled to 2km grids; results for the other time periods (2010-2039, 2040-2069, 2070-2099) are based on the SNAP 5-GCM composite using the AR5-RCP 8.5, downscaled to 2km grids.
The purpose of this project is to provide better information to industry and regulatory agencies regarding the likely locations of polar bear dens. This project integrates snow physics, high-resolution digital elevation data, and bear biology to produce more refined and accurate maps predicting suitable polar bear den habitat than are currently available. The work consists of data gathering, consultation between snow and bear scientists, modeling, and sensitivity studies to understand the various factors influencing den location and evolution along the Beaufort Coast.The proposed work is intended to refine current methods of identifying polar bear denning sites by incorporating higher-resolution topographic data...
Baseline (1961-1990) average winter temperature in and projected change in temperature for for the northern portion of Alaska. For the purposes of these maps, ‘winter’ is defined as December - February. The Alaska portion of the Arctic LCC’s terrestrial boundary is depicted by the black line. Baseline results for 1961-1990 are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS3.1 data and downscaled to 2km grids; results for the other time periods (2010-2039, 2040-2069, 2070-2099) are based on the SNAP 5-GCM composite using the AR5-RCP 8.5, downscaled to 2km grids.
This dataset includes Snow Depth(snod) for northern Alaska in GeoTiff format, covering the years 1980-2012. Snow Depth is defined as depth on 1 March(m). The dataset was generated by the Arctic LCC SNOWDATA: Snow Datasets for Arctic Terrestrial Applications project.The dataset is delivered in the ZIP archive file format. Each year is output in a separate GeoTiff file, where the year is indicated by the filename.Over the last 20 years, under a variety of NOAA, NSF, and NASA research programs, a snow-evolution modeling system has been developed that includes the MicroMet micrometeorological model, the SnowModel snow-process model, and the SnowAssim data assimilation model. These modeling tools can be thought of as...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: AIR TEMPERATURE, AIR TEMPERATURE, ALBEDO, ALBEDO, Academics & scientific researchers, All tags...
The Database was built to enable data integration across sources, as well as to support program planning and observational network design. The Imiq Data Portal provides a snapshot of available hydroclimate data – a map-based view of where , what , and when data have been obtained. Users can submit a custom data query, specifying variable of interest, geographic bounds, and time step. Imiq will aggregate and export data records from multiple sources in a common format, with full metadata records that provide information about the source data.
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: ABLATION, ABLATION, ACTIVE LAYER, ACTIVE LAYER, ALBEDO, All tags...
This dataset includes Snow Free Date(sfdy) for northern Alaska in GeoTiff format, covering the years 1980-2012. Snow Free Date is defined as day of the end of the core snow period(day of year). The core snow season is defined to be the longest period of continuous snow cover in each year. The dataset was generated by the Arctic LCC SNOWDATA: Snow Datasets for Arctic Terrestrial Applications project.“Day-of-year” (doy) output is expressed in Ordinal dates (“1” on 1 January, and “365” on 31 December). Dates have not been corrected for leap years. This output is appropriate for display purposes, as it is readily interpreted as calendar day of year. It is not recommended as input for analysis, as it may produce incorrect...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: AIR TEMPERATURE, AIR TEMPERATURE, ALBEDO, ALBEDO, Academics & scientific researchers, All tags...
Water availability, distribution, quality and quantity are critical habitat elements for fish and other water-dependent species. Furthermore, the availability of water is also a pre-requisite for a number of human activities. The density of weather and hydrology observation sites on the North Slope is orders of magnitude less than in other parts of the U.S., making it difficult to document hydrologic trends and develop accurate predictive models where water is a key input. The information that does exist is scattered among many entities, and varies in format. This multi-year data rescue effort project brings together these scarce and scattered hydrology data sets, including high-priority datasets held by the Bureau...
The compilation of an accurate and contemporary digital shoreline for Alaska is an important step in understanding coastal processes and measuring changes in coastal storm characteristics. Consistent with efforts by the United States National Park Service (NPS) at Bering Land Bridge National Preserve (BELA) and Cape Krusenstern National Monument, high quality, defensible digital shoreline datasets are under development for select coastal parks in the State of Alaska. Near BELA, for the area from Cape Prince of Wales to Cape Espenberg, extended revised shoreline coverage can be produced using true color coastal shoreline imagery to update the boundary demarking the mean high water (MHW) shoreline, which represents...
This file includes two raster layers. One of the raster files (LCC_Windgt90x.img) displays the data by differentiating between areas that have a greater than 90 percent or higher risk of development from areas with less than a 90 percent risk of wind energy development. The second raster file (LCC_WindProbs.img) displays the energy risk across a gradient, but does not include the categories seen in the Energy Forecast Web Mapping Tool. The values range from 0-1, with larger values representing a higher probability of development.
This two-page document is a summary of the USFWS decision support framework effort as of August 2023. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) decision support framework for conservation introductions (framework) aims to foster inclusive, transparent and defensible decision making about when to use conservation introductions as a strategy for preventing species extirpation or extinction, re-establishing an ecological function lost through extinction, or directing ecosystem change toward a state that better supports conservation goals. The framework is being developed for use by the USFWS in HawaiĘ»i, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Federated States...
The goal of the Hawaiian Islands Climate Synthesis Project was to develop comprehensive, science-based syntheses of current and projected future climate change impacts on, and adaptation options for, terrestrial and freshwater resources within the main Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaiian Islands Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Synthesis presents the results of the major project components - climate impacts assessment, vulnerability assessment, and adaptation planning - and provides an inter-island analysis of the findings. More detailed information is available in the individual vulnerability assessment syntheses and adaptation summaries, and should be referred to for decision support.
This dataset represents results from this study attributed to the NHDPlus V2 catchments. Changes in climate occurring throughout the Mississippi River Basin are expected to lead to additional impacts in stream habitats and fish assemblages in multiple ways, including changing changing thermal properties and flow regimes. To manage streams for current impacts and future changes, managers need region-wide information for decision-making and developing proactive management strategies. Our project provides a suite of climate metrics that have been found to be relevant to the distribution and population structure of aquatic organisms in freshwater stream networks. These results provide natural resource managers, decision-makers,...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Academics & scientific researchers, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Complete, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Mapping Suitable Snow Habitat for Polar Bear Denning Along the Beaufort Coast of Alaska SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Free Date (year) SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Depth Annual Precipitation Maps - RCP 8.5, Inches Imiq Data Portal Moored All-Season Vertical Temperature Arrays in Lakes on Kodiak, Togiak, and Alaska Peninsula/Becharof National Wildlife Refuges Webinar 2016: Networked Monitoring of Salmon Habitat Temperature: Two Case Studies from Southwestern Alaska HydroClimate Data Rescue Factsheet Winter Precipitation Maps - RCP 8.5, Inches Annual Temperature Maps - RCP 6.0, Fahrenheit Part I Summary: Predicting waterbird nest distributions Data: Current and future CNRM CM3 climate data for NHD v2 catchments within the Mississippi River Basin Mapping Suitable Snow Habitat for Polar Bear Denning Along the Beaufort Coast of Alaska Part I Summary: Predicting waterbird nest distributions Moored All-Season Vertical Temperature Arrays in Lakes on Kodiak, Togiak, and Alaska Peninsula/Becharof National Wildlife Refuges Webinar 2016: Networked Monitoring of Salmon Habitat Temperature: Two Case Studies from Southwestern Alaska HydroClimate Data Rescue Factsheet SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Free Date (year) SNOWDATA GeoTIFF Annual Snow Depth Data: Current and future CNRM CM3 climate data for NHD v2 catchments within the Mississippi River Basin Imiq Data Portal Annual Precipitation Maps - RCP 8.5, Inches Winter Precipitation Maps - RCP 8.5, Inches Annual Temperature Maps - RCP 6.0, Fahrenheit