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Natural resource managers face uncertainties of many kinds, with limited budgets and ever-evolving hierarchies of management priorities. Not least among those uncertainties are questions regarding future climate conditions. Technological advancements have enhanced our ability to understand and model climate, which has led to improved climate forecasting capabilities. However, climate projections are usually produced at a global scale, which makes them impractical for natural resource managers who are concerned with how climate will change in the specific location or region in which they operate. While there have been a growing number of techniques for increasing the resolution of these projections, resource managers...
As one of the lowest-lying island nation-states in the world, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is acutely vulnerable to sea-level rise, flooding, and the associated intrusion of saltwater into crucial freshwater supplies. Persistent drought is further affecting agricultural production in the RMI. Many Marshallese communities are already experiencing these changes and are migrating to larger islands within the RMI and to other countries like the U.S. to, among other things, seek alternative means of making a living and access healthcare. The number of Marshallese residing in the U.S. has rapidly risen over the past two decades, from 7,000 in 2000 to 22,000 in 2010. There is also substantial internal migration,...
In the Northeastern U.S., climate change is expected to increase the frequency of extreme precipitation events. However, less rain is predicted to fall in between these extreme events and air temperatures are also expected to rise. This combination of conditions will likely expose the Northeast to both floods and droughts that will have significant ecological, social, and economic implications for the region. Infrastructure damage from extreme storm events, increased competition for water supplies during droughts, and the potential loss of wildlife and habitats are some of the various challenges facing resource managers and decision makers. Management actions that mitigate the damage from extreme floods and droughts...
Global Climate Models (GCMs) use our understanding of atmospheric physics and other earth processes to simulate potential future changes in climate on a global scale. However, these large scale models are not fit for predicting smaller scale, local changes. Downscaling methods can be applied to the outputs of GCMs to give guidance appropriate for a more regional level. No standard approach to downscaling currently exists, however, and the process often results in climate projections that suggest a wide array of possible futures. It is critical that decision-makers looking to incorporate climate information understand the uncertainties associated with different downscaling approaches and can evaluate downscaled data...
On its southbound course from Colorado to the Gulf of Mexico, the Rio Grande provides water resources for more than 13 million people. The quantity of water flowing into the northern section of the river depends on how much snowpack from the Rocky Mountains melts into runoff and on seasonal precipitation rates. Models describing the relationship between winter snowpack quantity and springtime snowmelt runoff quantities for the basin are combined with models describing long-term natural variation in precipitation to create water supply outlooks. The outlooks developed by the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service are currently used by stakeholders to make critical water allocation decisions in the basin. Improvements...
Caribou are an important source of food for residents of western Alaska, but as environmental conditions and migration patterns change, some local hunters have encountered difficulty accessing the Mulchatna caribou herd (MCH). Existing data describe MCH harvests, herd movements, and caribou abundance through time, but an investigation drawing from traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) has not occurred. This project will integrate TEK with existing knowledge of caribou movements and subsistence harvests. Targeted stakeholders include local tribes, including Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA), local village councils, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Lake Clark National Park and Preserve (LCNP), and...
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation – Natural Heritage Program (DCRDNH) and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) at Florida State University (collectively, Project Partners) were funded by the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SALCC) in April 2015 to develop ten species distribution models (SDM) of priority at-risk andrange-restricted species (Ambystoma cingulatum, Echinacea laevigata, Heterodon simus, Lindera melissifolia, Lythrum curtissii, Notophthalmus perstriatus, Phemeranthus piedmontanus, Rhus michauxii, and Schwalbea americana) for the purposes of incorporating the models and supporting information on the conservation and management needs of the species into the...
This project involved developing a new design for the South Atlantic LCC website (including development of new code and graphics/images as needed) and designing a factsheet template, an online newsletter template, a powerpoint template, and small info cards based on the modern website redesign. The project initially specified the Ning 3.0 platform, which changed to WordPress when Ning stopped supporting upgrades to Version 3.0.
How did this multi-LCC initiative develop? The framework for this landscape conservation design is objective-driven across three sectors for wildlife, water quality and agriculture – ultimately doing our part to strategically maximize the value of every conservation dollar for the Mississippi River Basin and Gulf of Mexico. An intensive year-long dialogue culminated in the Memphis workshop in August 2014, setting the stage for research and development of design tools this past year. For more information, see:….What is the workshop purpose? Reconvene multi-sector participants to examine the set of high impact conservation practices, web-based spatial analysis tools, and research...
Monarch butterfly and other pollinators are in trouble. Monarch butterfly habitat— including milkweed host plants and nectar food sources—has declined drastically throughout most of the United States. Observed overwinter population levels have also exhibited a long-term downward trend, suggesting a strong relationship between habitat loss and monarch population declines. Preliminary research results from a U.S. Geological Survey led effort indicate that we need a comprehensive conservation strategy that includes all land types in order to stabilize monarch populations at levels necessary to adequately minimize extinction risk—urban areas will likely play a critical role. This strategy reflects an integrated and...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2015, 2016, CO-01, CO-02, CO-03, All tags...
The EPiC / Urban Conservation Core Team is a small group of volunteers that provides leadership and direction for the EPiC / Urban Conservation Technical Advisory Group. Through a leadership role within the EPiC / Urban TAG, the Core Team helps initiate and guide dialogue in the larger community about developing common planning, actions, and evaluation for landscape scale urban conservation in the Midwest. The Urban Core Team Strategic Planning Workshop was an organizational meeting held to: 1. Discuss Green Infrastructure as an organizational framework for EPIC and receive feedback on EPIC. 2. Walk through the EPiC framework 3. Determine next steps on Core Team establishing mission, visions, goals/objectives.
The US FWS Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge is associated with a Lower Wabash River LCD team exploring voluntary conservation on public and private lands in a region with fairly cohesive ecology, issues and practices in mixed habitat types of uplands, wetlands and floodplain forest in the mainstem and headwaters along the Lower Wabash River in two states: south of Terre Haute, IN; the Eel River & Lower White River below the confluence with the Wabash River in Indiana; and the Little Wabash and Fox Rivers below Highway 50 in Illinois. The project focuses on management of floodplains and headwater areas that have direct effects on these bottomland habitats. Initial objectives include: wildlife conservation; nutrient...
This proposal outlines a collaborative regional effort to build a South Atlantic Ecosystem Model that will facilitate the connection of inland and coastal marine management strategies and actions to potential resource and economic impacts in estuarine and coastal marine environments, with the following two goals: 1. Improve and Expand the Functionality of the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Blueprint: The SALCC Blueprint is unique in its ability to connect across terrestrial, freshwater, and marine systems. Unfortunately, the availability of and quality of current models connecting impacts across those ecosystems are a major barrier for modeling efforts and Blueprint Users. Improving these models...
Changes in temperature and precipitation due to climate change (and associated droughts, wildfires, extreme storms etc.) threaten important water sources, forests, wildlife habitat, and ecosystems across the Southwest and throughout the entire U.S. These threats cross political and man-made boundaries and therefore need to be addressed at larger landscape-level and regional scales. “Landscape conservation design” is one method that can be used by land and resource managers to support large scale conservation and ensure that small scale and local actions contribute to a landscape level vision. The Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) is working to develop a shared vision for conservation action in the...
As temperature and precipitation patterns change in Alaska, the need for scientific information to inform decision making related to the management of our natural resources becomes ever more important. However, the research being conducted to understand potential future impacts of climate change in Alaska frequently results in output and products that, in their raw forms, are not easily used by stakeholders and partners or are somewhat removed from the direct information needs of natural resource decision makers. This project broadly aims to evaluate the information needs of regional stakeholders and partners; conduct “translational” activities to make archived historical data, modeled output, and future projections...
The purpose of this project was to document processes for USGS scientists to organize and share data using ScienceBase, and to provide an example interactive mapping application to display those data. Data and maps from Chase and others (2016a, b) were used for the example interactive maps. Principal Investigator : Katherine J Chase, Andy Bock, Thomas R Sando Accomplishments The accomplishments for this project are described below. The project team developed an interactive mapping application in R that connects to data on ScienceBase, using Shiny, Leaflet (Cheng and Xie, 2016), and sbtools (Winslow and others, 2016) (fig. 10). USGS scientists can refer to the R code in the mapping application to build their...
Legacy data (n) - Information stored in an old or obsolete format or computer system that is, therefore, difficult to access or process. (Business Dictionary, 2016) For over 135 years, the U.S. Geological Survey has collected diverse information about the natural world and how it interacts with society. Much of this legacy information is one-of-a-kind and in danger of being lost forever through decay of materials, obsolete technology, or staff changes. Several laws and orders require federal agencies to preserve and provide the public access to federally collected scientific information. The information is to be archived in a manner that allows others to examine the materials for new information or interpretations....
The goal of this project is to improve the USGS National Earthquake Information Center’s (NEIC) earthquake detection capabilities through direct integration of crowd-sourced earthquake detections with traditional, instrument-based seismic processing. During the past 6 years, the NEIC has run a crowd-sourced system, called Tweet Earthquake Dispatch (TED), which rapidly detects earthquakes worldwide using data solely mined from Twitter messages, known as “tweets.” The extensive spatial coverage and near instantaneous distribution of the tweets enable rapid detection of earthquakes often before seismic data are available in sparsely instrumented areas around the world. Although impressive for its speed, the tweet-based...
The purpose of the Data Management Training (DMT) Clearinghouse project was twofold. First, the project aimed to increase discoverability and accessibility of the wealth of learning resources that have been developed to inform and train scientists about data management in the Earth sciences. Secondly, the project team wanted to facilitate the use of these learning resources by providing descriptive information (metadata) that can help research scientists, students, or teachers assess whether the resource would be appropriate and useful for their needs. The project team established the following objectives for the project: Create an online, searchable, and browsable clearinghouse of learning resources on data...

map background search result map search result map Developing a Continental Blueprint for Targeting Landscape-Level Urban Monarch Conservation Lower Wabash Landscape Conservation Design Developing a USGS Legacy Data Inventory to Preserve and Release Historical USGS Data Traditional ecological knowledge of Mulchatna Caribou Herd phenology, habitat change, subsistence use, and related species interactions Understanding the Effect of Climate Change on the Migration of Marshallese Islanders Slowing the Flow for Climate Resilience: Reducing Vulnerability to Extreme Flood and Drought Events Assessing Southwest Resources, Future Climate Scenarios, and Possible Adaptation Actions to Support Conservation Planning EPiC Business Planning Core Team Meeting August 2015 Mississippi River Basin/Gulf Hypoxia Research and Design Forum March 1-3 Providing Natural Resource Managers with Guidance on the Application of Climate Information for Decision-Making Improving Predictions of Water Supply in the Rio Grande under Changing Climate Conditions Characterizing Uncertainties in Climate Projections to Support Regional Decision-Making Translating Scientific Information for Use by Decision Makers in Alaska Integration of at-risk and range restricted species models and strategic conservation information into the SALCC Conservation Blueprint Lower Wabash Landscape Conservation Design Improving Predictions of Water Supply in the Rio Grande under Changing Climate Conditions Slowing the Flow for Climate Resilience: Reducing Vulnerability to Extreme Flood and Drought Events Understanding the Effect of Climate Change on the Migration of Marshallese Islanders Integration of at-risk and range restricted species models and strategic conservation information into the SALCC Conservation Blueprint Traditional ecological knowledge of Mulchatna Caribou Herd phenology, habitat change, subsistence use, and related species interactions Developing a Continental Blueprint for Targeting Landscape-Level Urban Monarch Conservation Developing a USGS Legacy Data Inventory to Preserve and Release Historical USGS Data EPiC Business Planning Core Team Meeting August 2015 Assessing Southwest Resources, Future Climate Scenarios, and Possible Adaptation Actions to Support Conservation Planning Mississippi River Basin/Gulf Hypoxia Research and Design Forum March 1-3 Translating Scientific Information for Use by Decision Makers in Alaska Characterizing Uncertainties in Climate Projections to Support Regional Decision-Making Providing Natural Resource Managers with Guidance on the Application of Climate Information for Decision-Making